林振興Lin, Zhen-Xing吳家瑾Wu, Chia-Chin2023-12-082022-08-232023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a98f10fc27e3b5d2967e05507983f7d3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119050聯合國(United Nations)在2015年提出永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs),明定17項核心目標與169項具體目標,期待藉由所有人類的共同努力,解決現有的各項世界議題。旅遊產業作為世界最大的產業,對於環境的影響浮上檯面,使得強調對友善環境的生態旅遊(Ecotourism)受到重視。另一方面,臺灣的國際旅客人次逐年增加,從事生態旅遊的遊客比例更是逐年攀升。因此本研究欲了解現有旅遊華語教材的現況,並以生態旅遊為題,透過編寫華語閱讀教材的方式,以試圖了解SDGs融入旅遊華語教材的可行性。本研究考察現有教材發現,國內的旅遊華語教材關於SDGs的內容極少,且教材在選址上,主題大多偏重於景點的知名度,較少以生態資源為考量者。且部分教材年代較早,或內容有誤,使得教材的實用性與正確性低。本研究在教材編寫編列了十課的課綱,並實際完成三課。教材完成後,請相關領域專家學者協助評估教材,並進行第一次教材修正;接著請程度相當之華語學習者試讀教材,並進行第二次教材評估與修正。根據教材評估的結果,本研究提出了七項旅遊華語教材的編寫建議。SDGs方面,學習者大致同意教材內容有助於認識臺灣的生態,並了解生態保護的重要性。根據評估結果,於SDGs融入旅遊華語教材方面,提出了四項編寫建議。In 2015, United Nations (UN) announced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 17 goals and 169 targets. With the announcement, all humankind is expected to resolve exiting worldwide issues. The environmental impact caused by tourism, one of the world’s largest industries, should not be neglected. Thus, ecotourism, which focuses on the conservation of the environment and the ecosystem, has grabbed the world’s attention increasingly. With the increase of foreign visitors to Taiwan, the percentage of them conducting ecotourism has also increased. Therefore, this study conducts research on current Chinese teaching materials which integrates the content of tourism. Also, by designing an ecotourism-based Chinese reading material, this study would also evaluate the possibility of integrating SDGs into Chinese teaching material design.After researching current materials, it is found that the concept of sustainable development is barely included in tourism-based Chinese materials published in Taiwan. In terms of selecting topics, these teaching materials usually include famous tourist attractions instead of spots with abundant ecological resources. Some of these materials are published at an early age, with out-of-date language uses or even errors, making the information less useful and precise.This study has designed a syllabus with ten lessons, three of which are completed during the research. The first version of the teaching materials was revised according to the evaluation of three experts. The second one was revised based on the evaluation of some learners whose Chinese proficiency is about/ above intermediate level.Three results are produced after the research. First, this study proposes seven suggestions for the compilation of Chinese materials themed with tourism. Second, concerning integrating the SDGs concept, the learners agree that the teaching material helps them learn more about the ecology of Taiwan, and also brings the sight of protecting the ecosystem to them. Finally, based on our results, we propose four compiling suggestions for integrating SDGs into tourism Chinese learning materials.旅遊華語華語教材編寫生態旅遊永續發展目標(SDGs)tourism ChineseChinese teaching material designecotourismsustainable development goals (SDGs)以臺灣的生態旅遊為主題之中級華語閱讀教材編寫研究A Study on the Compilation of Intermediate Chinese Teaching Material Themed with Ecotourism in Taiwanetd