鄔佩麗郭哲宏Guo, Jhe-Hong2019-08-282021-07-312019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060201068E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90565本研究目的在於探討男性大學生的性別角色衝突、自我隱藏與諮商求助態度之關係,並檢核自我隱藏在性別角色衝突與諮商求助態度之間是否具有中介效果。 本研究以大學院校與技職院校的在學男性大學生為研究對象,採立意取樣的方式,總共發放720份問卷並回收714份問卷,在剔除明顯反應心向與填答不完整的問卷之後,回收有效問卷共672份。 本研究使用的研究工具為黃弘年(2010)修編的「性別角色衝突量表」、邱文彬(1999)翻譯的「自我隱藏量表」與吳東勝(2010)翻譯修訂的「求助心理健康服務態度量表」,所得資料以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定、Pearson積差相關、迴歸分析與路徑分析進行分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、男性大學生有接受心理諮商或心理治療者佔全體10.1%。 二、男性大學生的性別角色衝突因性傾向而有不同,但不因年級、學院與有無求助心理諮商經驗而有不同;男性大學生的自我隱藏因有無求助心理諮商經驗而有不同,但不因年級、學院與性傾向而有不同;男性大學生的諮商求助態度因有無求助心理諮商經驗而有不同,但不因年級、學院與性傾向而有不同。 三、男性大學生的性別角色衝突與自我隱藏之間呈顯著中度正相關;男性大學生的性別角色衝突與諮商求助態度之間呈顯著中度負相關;男性大學生的自我隱藏與諮商求助態度之間呈顯著中度負相關。 四、性別角色衝突可顯著負向預測諮商求助態度;性別角色衝突可顯著正向預測自我隱藏;自我隱藏可顯著負向預測諮商求助態度;自我隱藏在性別角色衝突與諮商求助態度之間具有部分中介效果。 本研究藉由探討男性大學生性別角色衝突、自我隱藏與諮商求助態度之間的關係,進一步了解男性大學生較少求助心理諮商的情形,期望作為後續研究與男性諮商輔導工作之參考。This study investigated the relationships among male college students’ gender role conflict (GRC), self-concealment (SC), and help-seeking attitudes (HSA) toward counseling, and determined whether SC was a mediator between GRC and HSA. Male students enrolled in universities and vocational colleges were recruited through purposive sampling. A total of 720 questionnaires were distributed and 714 were returned. After the questionnaires with obvious response sets and incomplete answers were eliminated, 672 valid questionnaires remained. The Gender Role Conflict Scale revised by Huang (2010), the Self-Concealment Scale translated by Chiu (1999), and the Inventory of Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services translated and revised by Wu (2010) were adopted as the research instruments. Descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, independent samples t tests, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, regression analysis, and path analysis were performed to obtain the following results: (a) Of all the respondents, 10.1% had received psychological therapy or counseling. (b) The respondents’ GRC differed by sexual orientation, but did not differ by their grades, college, or whether they had previous help-seeking experiences. Their SC differed by having or not having past help-seeking experiences, but did not differ by their grades, college, or sexual orientation. Similarly, their HSA differed by having or not having past help-seeking experiences, but did not differ by their grades, college, or sexual orientation. (c) The respondents’ GRC had a significant moderate positive correlation with SC, their GRC had a significant moderate negative correlation with HSA, and their SC had a significant moderate negative correlation with HSA. (d) GRC significantly and negatively predicted HSA, GRC significantly and positively predicted SC, SC significantly and negatively predicted HSA, and SC partially mediated the relationship between GRC and HSA. This study investigated the relationships among male college students’ GRC, SC, and HSA to examine why such students are less likely to seek professional psychological help. The results serve as a reference for future research and counseling practices with male clients.自我隱藏求助態度男性大學生性別角色衝突Gender role conflictHelp-seeking attitudesMale college studentsSelf-concealment男性大學生性別角色衝突、自我隱藏與諮商求助態度之關係研究Gender Role Conflict, Self-Concealment, and Help-Seeking Attitudes among Male College Students