羅珮芳李芃娟邱柏升Pei-Fang LoPone-Chuan LeePo-Sheng Chiu2016-05-062016-05-062015-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78445本研究目的在探討個別式調頻系統對國小多重障礙學生專注行為之介入成效。研究方法採單一受試研究法之倒返實驗設計,自變項為使用個別式調頻系統,依變項為研究對象之專注行為。研究結果顯示配戴個別式調頻系統上課,能明顯增進國小多重障礙學生「目光注視信號來源」、「身體傾向信號來源」、「表現與課程活動有關的肢體動作」、「表現與課程活動有關的言語或聲響」及「整體專注行為」等五種行為出現比率,且具類化成效。最後,教師們肯定本次實驗教學的成效,而對於個別式調頻系統的外型與功能都能接受,未來有嘗試持續使用的意願。The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of a personal frequency modulation (FM) system on the on-task behavior of a primary school student with multiple disabilities. The research method was a withdrawal design of the single-subject research, using an FM system as the independent variable, and the on-task behavior of a research object as dependent variables. The main findings of the study were as follows: using an FM system could increase on-task behaviors, including eyes turning toward source of sound, body turning toward source of sound, when moving around in the class. Finally, teachers agreed that the results of the FM system shawed its obvious merit, and could accept the FM system.個別式調頻系統多重障礙學生專注行為FM systema student with multiple disabilitieson-task behavior個別式調頻系統對一名國小多重障礙學生專注行為之介入成效The Effects of the FM System on the On-Task Behavior of a Student with Multiple Disabilities in a Primary School