林育慈Lin, Yu-Tzu黃建仰Huang, Chien-Yang2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0094083101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92696測試驅動程式開發有助於編寫簡潔可用和高品量的程式碼,並加速軟體開發過程,但在職的軟體工程師往往因無法快速習得測試驅動程式開發的繁瑣程序而放棄。為了讓軟體工程師有效地學習測試驅動程式開發的程序並增進其進行測試驅動程式開發的意願,本研究針對測試驅動程式開發的流程,錄製程式撰寫步驟的教學影片以示範各種開發範例,希望學習者能藉由觀看影片教材,同時學習測試驅動程式開發相關的概念型知識與程序型知識,包含:測試驅動程式開發每個步驟的目的、原因、作法及適用時機。 本研究採準實驗研究法,研究參與者為台灣北部某公司14位軟體工程師。實驗組觀看影片以學習測試驅動程式開發的流程,對照組則透過投影片教材進行學習,學習後則分析比較兩組的學習者在程序性知識與概念性知識的學習效益以及學習態度之差異。 實驗結果發現,軟體工程師分別透過觀看投影片及教學影片之教材練習後,對於測試驅動程式開發的觀念與學習能力有所提升。本研究得出以下結論: (1)本研究中教學影片與投影片練習,對於概念性知識的影響沒有明顯的差異、(2) 本研究中教學影片與投影片練習,對於學習者的學習態度上並無顯著差異、(3)本研究中影片教學對於較複雜的程序型知識明顯優於投影片教學。Test-Driven Development is a software development process, which can improve the software quality by the repetition of development cycles to meet the requirements using test cases. However, the software engineers usually ignore the importance of Test-Driven Development because of its complex process. In order to improve the effectiveness of learning Test-Driven Development and inspire software engineers’ motivation of applying Test-Driven Development during software development, this study employed instructional videos to demonstrate the development process of the test driver. The learners could learn both the conceptual and procedural knowledge of Test-Driven Development, including the purposes, reasons, methodologies, and timing of each stage. A quasi-experimental study was conducted on 14 software engineers of a company in north Taiwan to examine the effectiveness of the proposed vide-based learning, in which the experimental group studied by watching the instructional videos whereas the control group only learned by studying the slides. The research findings include: software engineers in the experimental group could benefit from the video-based learning in terms of complex procedural knowledge, but had similar performance of conceptual knowledge compared with those in the control group. Video-based learning also did not enhance participants’ motivation in conducting Test Driven Development.教學影片測試驅動程式開發程序性知識概念性知識Video-based learningTest Driven DevelopmentConceptual KnowledgeProcedural Knowledge運用教學影片於測試驅動程式開發教學之研究A Study of Test Driven Development Tutorial Using Videos