劉怡君Liu, Yi-chun2016-04-262016-04-262014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77164吳澄為元代著名的理學家,在元代學術史上與許衡並稱為元代二大儒宗,素有「南吳北許」的美譽,其《道德真經註》在時代思潮的籠罩之下,帶有濃厚的理學色彩,具體地反映出理學對老學發展的影響。《老子》五千言中不言「性」,言「心」僅有數處,理學卻極重視「心性」,吳澄如何以「心性之學」詮釋《老子》的義理思想,促使理學與老學在思想史的長河中相摩相盪,自然是一個值得探討的議題。此文首論吳澄「以心性之學詮解《老子》的視域」,再論其「去外妄」與「取內真」的主張,最後論其「工夫修養」的入路。研究所得成果對於建構中國學術思想史「儒道會通」的完整面貌,或能提供正面的助益。It has been a topical issue about the coordination of Confucianism and Taoism since the Chin Dynasty. During the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism had become the main stream of that time. It has become the most important academic study that attracted professors to focus their studies on this era. If we evaluate the coordination of Confucianism and Taoism from the perspective of Taoism, we could realize the historical position of Taoism and establish a complete content of Chinese thoughts. Wu Cheng is a famous Neo-Confucian scholar in the Yuan Dynasty. Wu Cheng’s “Annotation of Daode Zhenjing” which was being characterized as “merging Neo-Confucianism in Lao-ze”, is worthy of our thorough research.元代吳澄道德真經註老學理學Yuan DynastyWu Cheng“Annotation of Daode Zhenjing”Neo-ConfucianismTaoism吳澄《道德真經註》「心性論」探微──以理學詮解《老子》的義理向度Analyzing on “The Theory of Mind-Nature” of Wu Cheng’s “Annotation of Daode Zhenjing”