盧怡任劉淑慧Yi-jen Lu, Shu-Hui Liu2014-10-272014-10-272014-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11149對於人類受苦與脫苦經驗的關注是諮商與心理治療的核心議題,本研究透過諮商理論的爬梳提出相關問題並從存在現象學出發進行對受苦轉變經驗之探究,以達理論間對話之目的。本研究以存在現象學研究法,透過三位訪談者在二年中的三次訪談文本,分析參與者在二年之中的受苦轉驗經驗,結果發現:(1)受苦者以情緒與身體做為工具,反思原有籌劃之可行性以及世界所呈現之意義;(2)受苦者將轉變經驗視為「學習」的過程,關鍵在「修正」原有籌劃以及「接受」被視為威脅的世界;(3)在被視為「學習」的轉變經驗中,受苦者在痛苦的身體與情緒經驗中,發現其所面對之不熟悉的處境其實和其過去的經驗不同,並展開解決眼前經驗與過去矛盾的過程,包括期望解決問題、重新理解與接受自身的過去、在現在力求解決過去與未來的矛盾;(4)在痛苦的學習過程後,呈現在受苦者面前的是新的處境或新的可能性,因而受苦者開始可以將自己投入新的未來。本研究除了從諮商理論與存在現象學進行理論對話之外,並對諮商實務工作者與未來研究提出建議。The human experience of suffering and the process of change have always been core issues in counseling and psychotherapy. This article reviewed theories of counseling and psychotherapy to address the paradox of each theory, and then explored the transitional experience of suffering from the perspectives of existential phenomenology. Based on such understanding, the experience-based connecting points in various theories were found. This study used an existential-phenomenology approach to carry out interviews with three interviewees under suffering. The second interview was conducted one and a half years after the first one; the third one was a half year after the second one. The three interviews expanded over two years, and was used to analyze the interviewees’ transitional experience of suffering. The results showed that: (1) sufferers used bodies and emotions as tools to reflect upon the feasibility of their original projects and worldviews; (2) the key to sufferers’ transitional experience included “revising” their original project, and “accepting” of the world considered a threat by them which are viewed as a learning process; (3) during the learning process, sufferers identified the paradox between past and present experience through psychological and embodied pain, and then started to find the solution. The learning process involved: (a) wishing to solve the problems; (b) re-understanding and accepting their past; (c) trying to solve the conflicts between the past and the present; (d) after the painful learning process, new situation or new possibility for sufferers appeared. This study discussed the existing descriptions of existential phenomenology on transitional experience of suffering from the viewpoint of counseling and psychotherapy, and made suggestions for counseling practitioners and future research. Limitations of this study were also discussed.存在現象學受苦轉變歷程現象學心理學諮商與心理治療counseling and psychotherapyexistential phenomenologyphenomenological psychologytransitional process of suffering受苦轉變經驗之存在現象學探究:存在現象學和諮商與心理治療理論的對話An Existential-Phenomenological Study on the Transitional Experience of Suffering: Dialogues between Existential Phenomenology and Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy