鄭津妃Chin-Fei Cheng2014-10-272014-10-272012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16003在實務現場感受到障礙學生在普通班有著邊緣化的危機,帶著對特殊教育推展的疑惑,本文試著從特殊教育的無到有,來剖析障礙學生處境的變化,並思考變化愈演愈烈的原因,包括全球化的效應。文末期望轉化二元論的差異觀,使障礙學生獲得有尊嚴的教育服務。The crisis of marginalization of students with disabilities in regular class existed in practice. With the question about the development of special education, this article explored the change of the situation which students with disabilities would be from the view of growing out of nothing in special education, and related factors driving marginalization increasingly, including the effect of globalization. Finally the author expected to reduce degree of dualism, and help students with disabilitiesto be treated with dignity and respect.邊緣化特殊教育差異全球化marginalizationspecial educationdifferenceglobalization特殊教育從無到有:談障礙學生在普通班的邊緣化現象The Growth out ofNothing in Special Education: Discussion on the Phenomenon of Marginalization of Students with Disabilities in Regular Class