蘇席瑤Hsi-Yao Su2016-05-062016-05-062012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78430此文回顧語言與性別研究的重要文獻,文中分為兩部分,第一部分回顧國際間語言與性別研究的重要發展方向及作品,期能對此領域的整體發展有較全面的瞭解。第二部分則回顧以臺灣的語言與性別現象為主題的研究,較之以國外語言與性別研究的概況,期能指出以臺灣現象為語料的特殊價值,及本土研究尚未有所發展的方向,以供本土之語言與性別學者參考。由本文之回顧可見,以本土語料為主題的語言與性別研究數目並不多,題材所涵蓋的範圍雖然可謂稍具廣度,但是未來研究仍有相當大的著墨空間,值得語言與性別學者繼續投注研究心力。This article reviews research concerning the relationship between language and gender. The first half reviews the general trends and findings of language and gender studies over the past 30 years. The second half focuses on studies that have investigated language and gender phenomena in Taiwan. The review shows that the number of studies that have drawn on local data is still rather limited. Although local studies have revealed diversity and unique contributions to the field of language and gender studies in general, room for future development still remains.文獻回顧性別語言臺灣reviewgenderlanguageTaiwan語言與性別研究:文獻回顧Language and Gender Studies: A Review