張文華張永達Chang, Wen-HuaChang, Yung-Ta張元馨Chang, Yuan-Hsin2019-09-052024-02-272019-09-052019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060245030S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104522科學探究式課程著重於引導學生發現問題並培養學生解決問題的能力,是十二年國教自然科學領域所著墨的教育重點。本研究旨於探討科學社團探究式教學對學生探究能力培養的成效,以及探討探究式教學對學生科學學習動機的影響。 研究對象為新北市某國中一、二年級學生共58名,實施為期16週的科學社團探究式課程。學生在教學實驗前後填寫「探究能力問卷」、「學生科學學習動機量表」和「開放式問卷」;研究者使用「教師評定學生探究能力檢核表」檢核學生每週上課學習單。綜合量化與質性資料評估學生探究能力與學習動機的變化情形。 研究結果顯示,大部分的學生會選擇參加科學社團是因為社團有動手操作實驗的機會,也有部分學生覺得科學很有趣才選填此社團。學生喜歡科學實驗,但是對於想要成為科學家或從事科學相關工作的意願非常低。七年級學生在上課之前對「科學」幾乎沒有概念,但是在課程結束後已形成初步慨念,認為科學是實驗、是大自然定理;而八年級學生在上課前已經知道科學是實驗、是大自然定理,課程結束後認為科學是研究大自然的工具也是解決問題的方法。無論是七年級或八年級學生,在課程前對於「科學方法」幾乎沒有概念,課程後則有顯著的改變。 本研究好奇科學社團探究式教學對學生探究能力的影響,以「探究能力問卷」檢測探究能力的改變情形。結果顯示學生在「觀察與紀錄」、「收集資料」、「比較與分類」和「研判與推理」方面有明顯進步,而「歸納與統整」和「傳達」方面則有顯著進步,也就是說科學社團探究式教學對於學生在統整科學知識與表達溝通上是有明顯幫助的。 以「學生科學學習動機量表」檢測科學社團探究式教學對學生科學學習動機的影響。結果顯示,除「學習環境誘因」分數降低之外,其餘分數皆有明顯增加,其中「成就目標」達顯著差異。也就是說,雖然學生在學習過程中感受到來自於教師的壓力,但是在科學活動當中,學生能藉由對於學習任務的挑戰來滿足自己的成就感。 在學生探究能力評估部分,以「教師評定學生探究能力檢核表」檢核學生「科學探究學習單」內容以了解學生探究能力的改變情形。研究結果如下:在「探究問題的形成」部分,隨著探究課程課堂數的增加,學生形成探究問題的能力也逐漸增加,雖然在前兩次探究課程沒有看出顯著改變,但是在課程結束時已有顯著進步。學生在「探究實驗的設計」上,能力隨著探究課程課堂數的增加逐漸增加,雖然在前三次的課程沒有顯著改變,但是能力逐漸提升,一直要到最後一次的課程,學生的實驗設計能力才有顯著提升。而學生在「數據的蒐集與呈現」和「分析與詮釋結果」的能力有顯著的進步。 綜上所述,我們可以說科學社團能有效提升學生的科學學習動機及探究能力。科學社團提供學生更多探究與實作的機會,學生有機會在課程中學習以科學家的方式探索世界。Inquiry-based instruction has potential to enhance students’ competencies in clarifying and solving problems. The aims of this mixed method study were to examine the effectiveness of applying inquiry-based instruction into an extra-curricular science club, and discuss the impacts on students' science inquiry skills and on students' motivation in learning science. Fifty-eight seventh and eighth graders participated in this study. The teaching intervention lasted for 16 weeks. Students practiced basic and advanced inquiry skills, and designed to explore local science issues through a series of guided group investigations and discussions. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Data sources included pre- and post- tests from the Inquiry Ability Questionnaire (IAQ) (Wang, 2004), the Students' Motivation Towards Science Learning (SMTSL) (Tuan, Chin& Shieh, 2005) and responses on an open-ended questionnaire. Students’ learning sheets were coded by applying the Teaching and Learning to Standards in Science (Oregon Department of Education, 2002), in which, scientific inquiry abilities were conceptualized as posing questions, planning experimenting, collecting and analyzing data, interpretation data, and conclusions. The results indicate that most students participated in the science club due to the opportunities of experiments, and some students joined because of the interests in science. They like science experiments, but the aspirations in becoming scientists or working in science were compared lower. The conceptions in science were not formed among seventh graders before science courses, but did eighth graders. After science courses, seventh graders conceptualized science as experiments and theorems of nature, moreover, eighth graders considered science as the principle methods in order to inquire the nature and solve the relative problems. No matter whether it was seventh graders or eighth graders, lacking the concepts of scientific methods amid both at the beginning but significantly increased after. This study is curious how inquiry-based instructions in an extra-curricular science club impact on students' inquiry abilities. The results show that the aspects of induction, integration and communication had made significant progress, that was to say, the inquiry-based instructions were obviously helpful for students to integrate and express scientific knowledge. Students' motivations in learning science were identified by the Student Motivation Toward Science Learning. The results shown that except the Learning Environment Stimulation the rest scores had rose, furthermore, the score of Achievement Goal had a significant increase. Which is mean although students felt pressure from teacher during the learning process but it was turning to satisfy accomplishment by challenging the science tasks. The science learning sheets were coded by applying the Teaching and Learning to Standards in Science in order to understand the inquiry abilities of students. The analysis results indicate that the ability of students in posing questions, planning experimenting, collecting and analyzing data, interpretation data, and conclusions were significantly improved. Combining the findings from analyzing the students’ artifacts and free responses in the open-ended questionnaire, we concluded in this study, the science club can provide students more opportunities to learn the ways how scientists explore the world.科學探究探究式教學探究能力學習動機科學社團Science InquiryInquiry InstructionInquiry AbilityLearning MotivationAn Extra-Curricular Science Club科學社團探究式教學對學生探究能力與學習動機之影響Impacts of inquiry-based instruction in an extra-curricular science club on students’ science inquiry abilities and motivation towards science learning.