黃長福許金樹2019-09-052009-2-202019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694300442%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105662目的:比較甲組競技體操選手(熟練者)與競技啦啦隊選手(非熟練者)後手翻技術之運動學參數及起跳前動力學參數,探討其特徵,結果提供教練、選手、學習者在日後運動訓練或學習階段作為動作學習的參考。方法:以男性甲組競技體操選手及競技啦啦隊選手各8名實驗參與者,使用2D攝影分析,利用1台JVC 9800數位攝影機(60 Hz)擷取記錄二組選手的站立原地後手翻動作資料,並以一塊Kistler測力板(600 Hz)同步收集起跳前下肢地面反作用力資料,然後透過Kwon 3D動作分析系統與Kwon GRF軟體,進行各參數的分析運算。結果:體操選手及啦啦隊選手在跳跳前垂直地面反作用力最大值分別約是體重的2.3倍、2.19倍;最大水平力量分別約是體重的0.67倍、0.53倍;體操選手在離地高度、第一空中期時間、起跳重心速度、手離地重心水平速度、起跳髖關節角度皆顯著大於啦啦隊選手。結論:雙臂擺動應在上升時才開始加速,並配合髖、膝的伸展推蹬,有利後續動作。起跳前髖關節的伸展及膝關節的推蹬是起跳階段重要的關鍵,在支撐階段應快速的推撐,以便銜接水平力量,快速的屈曲髖關節有助於推撐及著地。Purpose: Compare the kinematics and kinetics parameter of back hand spring of gymnasts (skilled) and cheerleaders (non-skilled). The results can be used for coaching and learning of correct movement. Method: Experiment participants for this study were 8 gymnasts and 8 cheerleaders, a JVC 9800 digital camera (60 Hz) was used to record the two-dimensional movement. The video were digitized by KWON 3D Motion Analysis system. A Kistler force plate (600 Hz) and KWONGRF software was used to collect ground reaction force (GRF) before take-off. Result: The maximum vertical GRF before take-off of gymnasts and cheerleaders are about 2.3 body weight (BW) and 2.19 BW; the maximum horizontal GRF before take-off are about 0.67 BW and 0.53 BW; The Gymnasts have greater jump height, first air time, take-off center of mass (CM) velocity, horizontal CM velocity at hand push off, hip angle at take-off than the cheerleaders. Conclusion: The arms swing should acceleration at concentric phase before take-off to match up with hip、knee joint push-off to obtain a greater height for perform the movement. The extensions of hip and push-off leg before take-off are important factors. The faster hip flexion during hands support phase can enhance push-off and landing.體操後手翻運動學動力學不同層級選手後手翻技術之比較分析