梁桂嘉呂偉菱Lu, Wei-Ling2019-09-052020-08-212019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060268017T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103043隨著4G網路時代的來臨,普及化的智慧行動裝置已成為我們生活中不可或缺的重要物件。使用者與行動裝置產生溝通之環境管道稱為使用者介面,為打造良好的人機互動體驗,讓使用者感受到操作的有效性與效率程度為介面設計基本原則。其中,系統如何透過介面有效地呈現資訊內容,而使用者又如何從中認知行動的操作辦法與理解系統狀態與回饋,即為介面易視性(Visibility)之重要性。因此,本研究試圖探究與歸納介面易視性之相關理論,進而彙整介面易視性原則,作為日後研究者與設計者後續參考,以打造優良的使用者介面。 本研究第一階段以文獻探討法彙整專家學者對於介面易視性之相關論述,歸納影響易視性四項要素分別為「版面內容」、「文字圖形」、「色彩質感」、「系統反應」。第二階段則透過五位介面設計領域專家,篩選出十五項具有良好易視性應用程式作為案例分析,剖析各案例於易視性要素的表現型式,進而歸納四項易視性要素之細項原則。此外,研究第三階段則利用上述分析之結果,以動物認養APP作為創作實驗,並在設計歷程中重新審視並檢討易視性原則。此外,本研究於設計創作過程中發現易視性原則可能會依據不同的應用程式類型、資訊量或使用情境相互抵觸,此時設計者須做一個全面性的設計總體考量,並從中妥善衡量與運用易視性原則。With the coming of 4G technologies, smart mobile devices have been indispensable for users in the current generation. User Interface is a channel which bridges and facilitates the communication between users and mobile devices. In order to create a well-designed human-computer interaction, sensible efficacy and efficiency are two basic principles that should be executed along with the process of designing. Among them, the Visibility of User Interface is of the utmost importance. It is the way in which systems demonstrate information in an efficient fashion so that users can recognize instructions and also give feedback. As the result, this research aims at creating guidelines of user interface through reviewing and deep-diving into related research, thereby serving as a reference for future research to build on and explore more in-depth. In the first part of the research, documentary analysis is conducted to categorize elements that will affect the degree of visibility into the following four aspects: layout of contents, text and graphic, color and material and feedback. The second part chooses fifteen case studies, which are sifted through by five professionals in the interface design regime, uses four criteria mentioned above to individually evaluate the performance and therefore comes up with four sub-principles pertaining to visibility. In addition, the third part of the research builds on the previous result, introducing animal adoption application as an example to re-assess the principles of visibility. Standing on the finding that these principles may vary and even contradict each other according to the type of application, amount of information and usage situation, it is recommended that designers should bear each principle in mind and comprehensively examine them as a whole for the sake of a well-developed design.使用者介面應用程式易視性動物認養User InterfaceApplicationVisibilityAnimal Adoption行動裝置使用者介面易視性創作研究-以動物認養APP為例Studying on Visibility of Mobile Device Interface:Taking Animal Adoption Application Design as an Example