謝協君2014-10-272014-10-272010-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/6559腦性麻痺幼兒通常伴隨有動作發展障礙,如何有效促進腦性麻痺幼兒的動作發展是非常重要 的課題。為瞭解親子玩具活動是否能有效促進1-3歲腦性麻痺幼兒動作發展,本研究採準實驗研究法,在實驗階段,對24位腦性麻痺幼兒進行實驗前後的「皮巴 迪動作發展量表第二版」(簡稱PDMS-2)評量,而其中12位實驗組個案家長會填寫研究者自編之「一至三歲腦性麻痺幼兒玩具檢核表」,透過檢核家中幼兒 的發展問題,找出可協助其動作發展的玩具類型。在實驗介入前,實驗組家長皆先接受玩具操作和擺位訓練,訓練完成後由家長執行十週的親子玩具活動。研究結果 發現實驗組在十週研究介入後,在PDMS-2前後測分數中平衡、移位、物體操作、手部抓握和視動整合等五項分數皆達顯著差異,這顯示結合玩具選用之親子玩 具活動確實可以促進腦性麻痺幼兒粗動作和精細動作的發展。Children with cerebral palsy often have disabilities with regard to motor development. In order to facilitate the motor development of these children, this study constructed parent-child toy-playing activities for parents of children with cerebral palsy. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Twenty-four children with cerebral palsy participated in the study. The Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-Second Edition (PDMS-2) was used to evaluate the results of a pretest and posttest in order to measure the motor development of these 24 children. Between the pre-and post-tests, the 12 children in the experimental group received a ten-week intervention. The parents of these 12 children found toys with what they thought were appropriate characteristics through a toy checklist, and engaged in parent-child toy-playing activities for ten weeks. A questionnaire for constructing this toy checklist was constructed on the basis of developmental problems in child development and therapeutic techniques. After the ten-week intervention, there was found to be a significant difference between the PDMS-2 pre-test and post-test scores. The results thus showed that ten weeks of parent-child toy-playing activities can promote the gross motor and fine motor development of children with cerebral palsy.精細動作粗動作玩具德懷術gross motor developmentfine motor developmenttoy-playing activitiesDelphi techniquePDMS-2親子玩具活動對腦性麻痺幼兒動作發展的影響Effects of Parent-Child Toy-Playing Activities on the Motor Development of Children with Cerebral Palsy