陳建州2019-08-122019-08-122009-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81731國內對於大學的教育分流之研究並不多,但此主題相當重要,尤其是在高等教育擴張之後。本研究以「學習領域(或學類)」為探討主題,並以「高等教育資料庫」2003年大學三年級學生為樣本,討論影響男、女學生在不同的性別屬性學類分佈差異的因素,研究發現有三:(一)學術型大學與技職性大學的學生家庭社經階層結構不同,家庭社經階層背景較佳者,傾向於就讀學術性大學。(二)不同類型的大學,其學類結構並不相同,而不同社經背景者,進入各類型大學的機會並不相同,投入各學類之機會便不同,顯示機會結構對於學生投入的學類具有重要影響。(三)家庭社經地位因素對於女性的影響較明顯,家長教育程度為大學以上的女性,比較傾向投入男性學類;家長教育程度為國中以下的女性,比較不傾向投入男性學類。相對地,家庭社經地位因素對於男性的教育選擇較無顯著影響。The research on the educational tracking of universities in Taiwan is still scarce. Using data retrieved from “the Data System Taiwan Higher Education”, this study examines the demographic structure of the fields of study in universities, and explores the gender gap. Three important findings are obtained from the empirical data. First, students with upper socio-economic status are more likely to study in academic universities than in vocational ones. Second, the structure of gendered fields of study in different types of universities is different, and students in different types of schools have different opportunities of entering gendered fields of study. Third, female students with better socio-economic status are more likely to study in male-dominated majors than those from poorer background, but the effect of background is not significant among male students.家庭社經地位學習領域學校類型性別field of studyschool typegenderfamily socio-economic status影響大學生學習領域性別階層化之因素Factors of Influencing the Hierarchy of Gender in Undergraduates’ Fields of Study