周愚文黃國維2019-08-282012-2-162019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90147本文主要在探討二次大戰後至1970年代初期(1945-1972)台灣的大學教育發展情形,全文從機構、學生與教師三大面向加以探究,透過相關文件與統計資料的蒐集與分析,進一步地了解當時台灣大學教育的實際情況,最後並試圖探尋出影響大學教育發展的可能因素。據此,本研究獲致結論如下: 一、戰後至1970年代初期台灣的大學校院成長速度並不一致,是歷經先緩慢、後快速、再緩和的過程。 二、聯合招生方式成為大學主要的入學管道,國文、英文及三民主義成為聯合招生考試的共同考科。 三、整體的大學教育品質雖是向上提升,但潛藏影響教育品質的隱憂。 四、女性參與大學教育的程度逐步提升。 五、中央政府對於大學教育發展的位居主導的地位。 六、經濟發展對於戰後台灣的大學教育發展影響十分深遠。 七、人口的持續增長帶動教育的擴張,並促使對大學教育的需求逐漸提升。 總之,戰後至1970年代初期台灣的大學教育發展已不同於日治時期,有了長足的進步,亦為日後的發展奠下良好的利基。The main purpose of this thesis is to inquire the development of university education in Taiwan from 1945 to 1972. It is divided into three aspects, including institutions, students and teachers. By the collection and analysis of the relevant documents and statistics, it is further to understand the development of university education at that time in Taiwan, and try to explore the possible factors affecting its development. Accordingly, conclusions are as follows: 1. The growth rate of university in Taiwan from 1945 to 1972 is inconsistent. At first, it was slower, and then became faster, finally slower again. 2. Joint admission has become the main method to enter the University. Chinese, English and Three Principles of the People have become the common examination subjects. 3. Although the quality of university education was improving in general, but there were the potential factors to impact on it. 4. The rate of female participation in university education has increased gradually. 5. Among the development of university education, the central government played the leading role. 6. The post-war development of university education in Taiwan was influenced by the economic development. 7. The continuing growth of population caused the expansion of primary& secondary education, and it also made the demand for university increasing gradually. In sum, the development of university education in Taiwan from 1945 to 1972 is different from Japanese colonial period. It has made substantial progress, and was also laid a good foundation for the future development.台灣二次大戰後大學教育高等教育Taiwanpost-waruniversity educationhigher education戰後至1970年代初期台灣的大學教育發展研究(1945-1972)A Study of Development of University Education in Taiwan from 1945 to 1972