林家興Lin, Jia-Xing吳玫瑩Wu, Mei-Ying2019-08-282015-1-302019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699010236%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91060本研究旨在探討大學生絕敏感度對人際關係中敵意和憂鬱的影響,並檢核多向度敵意在拒絕敏感度和憂鬱之間的中介效果。研究以1131名北部一到四年級大學生為對象,採用「基本資料調查表」、「拒絕敏感度量表」、「短式華人敵意量表」和「董氏憂鬱量表(大專版)」為研究工具,並以Person積差相關、單因子多變量變異數、相關差異考驗、階層迴歸和路徑分析等統計方式分析資料。 研究結果如下:1.目前大學生有明顯憂鬱者約佔全體學生人數的17.5%,其中男性大學生明顯憂鬱的比率較女性高;2.不同的性別和戀愛經驗之大學生,在拒絕敏感度、敵意和憂鬱上皆有顯著差異;3.大學生拒絕敏感度的敵意表現有多向度差異,高拒絕敏感度大學生與敵意認知和壓抑敵意間的關係較高,而與敵意情緒間的關係次之,與表達敵意間的關係最少;4.大學生拒絕敏感度能有效預測敵意和憂鬱變化的程度,且男性大學生的預測能力較女性好,同時大學生敵意也能有效預測憂鬱程度的變化;最後,5.多向度敵意在焦慮程度和憂鬱之間具有部份中介效果,拒絕敏感度中的焦慮程度會透過敵意認知、敵意情緒和壓抑敵意,再進一步影響憂鬱,而表達敵意則與憂鬱程度變化無關。根據以上的發現,本研究結論拒絕敏感度在華人文化脈絡下有獨特表現,高拒絕敏感度者有較高的敵意和憂鬱,且三者間的關係彼此相關並非互斥。研究最後進一步提出實務工作的應用與建議,以及本研究的限制和未來研究的方向。The purpose of this study attempted to explore how does rejection sensitivity impact on hostility and depression of college students within an interpersonal context, and to verify the mediating effects of multi-dimensional construct of hostility on rejection sensitivity and depression. A total of 1,131 college students in various grades from northern Taiwan were administered a battery of self- report instruments including personal data form, Chinese version of Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire, Chinese Hostility Inventory (CHI): Short Form, and Tung’s Depression Inventory for College Students (TDICS). All valid data were analyzed with Pearson correlation, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, correlation comparisons, hierarchical regression and path analysis. The study revealed the following results: (a) The prevalence of college students with apparent depressive symptoms was 17.5%, and male had higher rate than female. (b) There were gender and romance status difference on rejection sensitivity, hostility and depression. (c) The relation between rejection sensitivity and hostility exhibited multi-dimensional difference. In relation to level of rejection sensitivity, it is found that hostility cognition and suppression showed the highest correlation, followed by hostility affect and hostility expression showed the weakest correlation. (d) Rejection sensitivity predicted higher hostility and depression, hostility also predicted higher depression. Finally, I rejection anxiety and depression were partially mediated by hostility cognition, affect and suppression, however, the hostility expression had no mediating effect. These results support the view that within the Chinese society people with high anxiety on other’s rejection would increase cynical view of the world and anger affect but chose to suppress it, which in turn, enhanced the occurrence of depression. The study’s applications in counseling, limitations, and future research directions are also addressed拒絕敏感度敵意憂鬱Rejection sensitivityHostilityDepression大學生拒絕敏感度、敵意與憂鬱之關係研究The Relation between Rejection Sensitivity, Hostility and Depression in College Students