陳瓊花Chen, Chiung-Hua陳怡伶Chen, Yi-Lin2020-12-102017-08-282020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060160008T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114596本研究以台東鐵花村˙音樂聚落為研究場域,旨在藉由台東鐵花村˙音樂聚落所形塑的意象,探討台東在地意象元素於場域內的使用,與透過了解藝術教育工作者,以鐵花村˙音樂聚落場域作為教學作用於美術課程中的使用情形,依據台東在地意象元素融入課程,分析場域之在地意象元素使用狀況,並對於鐵花村˙音樂聚落之藝術教育價值與場域對在地藝術教育的影響,以探究未來可發展的空間以及規劃方向。研究採用質性研究方法,以半結構式訪談,輔以場域相關文獻與相關資訊進行研究結果分析與討論。研究訪談對象共十位,分別為台東在地美術教師四位、鐵花村˙音樂聚落內部人員四位、進入場域之民眾兩位。基於以上研究目的與方法,研究結果呈現如下: 1.台東鐵花村˙音樂聚落之在地意象與台東之在地意象比較,發現場域內使用元素與台東相似連結為原住民文化,以及空間氛圍之營造部分,舒適且慢步調的氛圍,除此,訪談資料顯示多數受訪者認為,鐵花村˙並沒有特別使用台東元素於場域的意象營造。 2.台東在地藝術教育上課方式較為自由且重視人文部分,藝術領域之教育工作者的訪談資料顯示,多數美術教師認為鐵花村˙音樂聚落可是課程目的放置於課程內容規劃中,其中只有高中美術教師實際上具有使用場域融入課程的經驗。 3.受訪者資料分析顯示,多數受訪者認為鐵花村˙音樂聚落對於在意藝術教育沒有明顯的具體影響,且希望未來鐵花村˙音樂聚落之內部活動規劃,能夠融入教育領域,提供各種美感教育經驗。The research subject in this master thesis is Taitung Music Village, Tiehua Village, via the image formed in Taitung Tiehua Village, art educators’ teaching resources in the courses adopted by local art educators, we explored the utilization of the image in the Music Village and fusion of Taitung local image and art courses. Based on these result, the research further discuss its influence on local art education, and the potential development in the Village layout and program in the future. This study uses qualitative method: semi-structured interview supplemented by related literature review and information collection: formulating interview outline, collecting and organizing interview pictures as data sources. There are 10 interviewees in this study: 4 of them are local art teacher, 4 Village members, and 2 sightseers. Based on research purpose and method, the results can be shown as follows: According to this study, the conclusion are drawn below: 1.In comparison with local image of Tiehua Music Village and Taitung, both shares the same elements: aboriginal culture and creation of easy and slow atmosphere. Besides, most respondents believe Tiehua Music Village did not use Taitung image on purpose in the create of field image. 2.The interview result shows that Taitung’s art classes emphasize more on the humanitarian elements. Moreover, most art teachers believe that it is considerable to incorporate Tiehua Music Village into their art course program; some high school art educator in our interview have had experience in applying field image in their courses. 3.The interview result represents that most interviewees think Tiehua Music Village has no significant influence on local art education. Wish that Tiehua Music Village can provide various aesthetic sense and integrating them into education in the future Program of Activities directed by Tiehua Music Village.意象藝術教育鐵花村imageArt educationTiehua village台東鐵花村˙音樂聚落之在地意象及其對藝術教育的影響The Local Image of Taitung Music Village and its Influence in Art Education