賴嘉玲Lai, Chia-Ling陳渝涵Chen, Yu-Han2022-06-082021-08-112022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/50a0152b4f3d813b5b48741e803b1bd2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118444本研究是基於聖家堂作為聯合國世界文化遺產,探討其自19世紀建築續建至今的多重凝視發展。近年來,國內研究尚未從多重凝視的的角度分析聖家堂,因此筆者將巴賽隆納的聖家堂作為個案研究,企圖討論聖家堂觀光景點之塑造、館方如何建構觀光的多重凝視、多元的導覽中介制度如何影響觀光客、最後文化資本的不同如何影響觀光客的消費與觀光實踐,並進一步分析觀光之展演特性。本研究採取文獻分析法及深入訪談法,首先筆者將闡述聖家堂自19世紀的歷史發展脈絡。第二,沿用John Urry觀光客的凝視之理論探討在聖家堂的多重凝視彼此間的交會,並以Dean MacCannell的觀光符號理論企圖分析聖家堂之觀光景點建構。第三,分析館方透過導覽中介,例如:手冊、導覽書、官方網站、語音導覽建構聖家堂,其導覽中介又是如何吸引觀光客蒐集該地的符碼,透過攝影、旅遊經驗分享以再現地景。第四,從Tim Edensor觀光客的旅遊實踐理論出發,看不同參觀動機的觀光客如何透過漫步、凝視、攝影、紀念品進行旅遊實踐,再結合Bourdieu的秀異理論,探討文化資本的不同對於觀光客旅遊實踐的影響。最後,探討聖家堂多重凝視間的消長與未來發展以及日後如何維持其觀光永續性。This research is based on the UNESCO World Heritage, La Sagrada Família. It is an inquiry into the multiple gazes on the continuation of the construction at La Sagrada Família since the 19th century.Currently, there is no domestic research on La Sagrada Família from the following perspectives: multiple gazes, therefore La Sagrada Família is chosen as a case study in this research. From the perspective of “gaze”, the purpose of this study is to discuss the tourist behavior and how the cathedral of Sagrada Família shapes its images through the lens of the tourists, and analyze the characteristics of the performativity of tourism.Documentary analysis and in-depth interviews are adopted in this research, drawing upon theories of tourist gaze by John Urry and tourist semiotics by Dean MacCannell to analyze the shape of tourism of Gaudí’s La Sagrada Família.The following is the emphasis on the research: To start with, the research demonstrates the development of the Sagrada Família in a historical context since the 19th century.Second, I will analyze John Urry's theory of tourists' gaze to explore the intersection of multiple gazes in the Sagrada Familia, and Dean MacCannell's theory to analyze the construction of tourist attractions in the Sagrada Familia. Third, how guiding systems such as brochures, guidebooks, official websites, audio guides, contribute to the social construction of Sagrada Família, attracting tourists to collect the landmarks and the tourists represent the landmarks through sharing photos, videos, and messages. Forth, it analyzes Tim Edensor's analysis on visitor’s practices, walking, photography, souvenir collecting and combines Pierre Bourdieu's theory to explore the impact of different cultural capitals on tourists' travel practices. Finally, I will discuss the development of multiple gazes of the Sagrada Familia and how it maintains sustainable tourism in the future.聖家堂高第巴賽隆納觀光世界遺產觀光客的凝視Sagrada FamíliaGaudíTourismBarcelonaWorld heritagetourist gaze論多重觀光凝視--以高第聖家堂為例On Multiple Tourist Gazes: A Case Study of Sagrada Família學術論文