卯靜儒Mao, Chin-Ju許庭瑋Sheu, Ting-Wei2020-12-142020-07-152020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0507002207%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110216英語作為溝通性的工具,在全球化的生活中已是不可或缺的語言。研究者秉持著這樣的信念,在國中授課時卻發現學生在課堂上無法用英語介紹自己的家鄉。在教學現場遇到的挑戰是學生缺乏英語學習動機,且不瞭解自己的家鄉,因此研究者希望能利用行動研究,改善在教學現場遇到的問題。 本行動研究旨在探討融入地方感的國中英語教學對於學生地方感以及英語學習動機之影響。研究對象為台北市某國中二年級學生。研究者融入地方素材於自編教材中後,採用任務型導向英語教學,並進行兩次的課程循環。在教學過程中透過學生學習成果、學習回饋單、教師觀察紀錄、教師省思札記、訪談、地方感問卷等資料,進行分析,以了解教學實施的狀況並進行反思與課程循環的修正。 研究實施後發現實施融入地方感的英語教學, 一、學生的英語學習動機與溝通表達能力提升了。學生對於地方素材有較高的學習動機,且真實的英語使用情境讓學生願意開口,積極的使用英語表達自己的想法。 二、學生的地方感有所改變。融入地方素材於課程教材之中和主題式的任務讓學生對於地方有更多認識,且更能夠表達自己對於地方的感受。 三、進行行動研究的歷程,有助於提升教師教學設計與教學信念的淬鍊成長。讓教師的教學信念更加堅定以及更嫻熟的去設計課程與教學。English has been widely used as a communicative tool in the world right now. Being an Englsih teacher in junior high school, I tried different ways to let students consider English as a tool, not as an unuseful subject. Despite my efforts, students were not able to introduce their hometown in English, not to say their sense of place is low. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to discover the effects of English teaching with sense of place on junior high school students. It focused on students’ “sense of place” and their English learning motivation before and after the study. The study was conducted twice in the action research cycle. Local materials were mainly used in task-based teaching. During the action research cycle, the author collected students’ feedback, teaching observation, teaching journal and questionaire of sense of place to correct and reflect the teaching cycle. The results revealed that English teaching with sense of place helps students (1) gain more sense of place toward their hometown, (2) raise their English learning motivation, and (3) improve their English communication ability and confidence. Also, teacher’s teaching value was clarified after the action research cycle. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on sense of place teaching or English teaching on junior high school students.地方感任務導向教學英語教學sense of placeEnglish teachingtask based teaching「英」我們同在一起- 融入地方感的國中英語教學之行動研究Action Research on English Teaching with sense of place