謝伸裕陳建廷2019-09-052004-7-302019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000181%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106045目的:探討八週三種不同運動訓練(肌力訓練、有氧訓練及有氧+肌力訓練)介入對體重控制班學生,體適能的影響。方法:以體重肥胖的國中男學生40人為受試者,年齡為13.74 ± 0.26歲,身高為158.14 ± 5.96公分,體重為67.50 ± 6.97公斤。依BMI值大小排列配對後,隨機分派至實驗組三組、對照組,各組人數各為10人。實驗組每週接受四天,每天45分鐘的不同運動訓練,對照組不接受任何運動訓練,但四組受試者均接受飲食控制課程宣導。前、後測資料以單因子共變數分析來檢定。結果:體適能1600公尺跑走部份,三組實驗組顯著優於對照組;坐姿體前彎部分,肌力訓練組優於有氧訓練組,其他項目在各組之間則無任何差異。身體組成:在肌肉質量及去脂體重上,肌力訓練組比對照組有明顯的進步;其他二組實驗組的進步則未優於對照組。另外,在身體脂肪上,三組實驗組比對照組有明顯的減少。結論:八週的不同運動訓練介入後,對體重控制班學生在心肺功能及身體組成,都有明顯的改善。尤其,肌力訓練在全身肌肉質量及去脂質量的提升有正面的助益。因此,在鼓勵體重過重或肥胖的學生平常多從事各項運動時,尤其應該在運動計畫中加入肌力訓練。Purpose: To examine the effects of 3 different 8-week exercise training programs(strength training, aerobic training, and combined strength and aerobic training)on physical fitness in 40 overweight male junior high school students (age 13.74 ± 0.26 years, height 158.14 ± 5.96 cm, weight 67.50 ± 6.97 kg). Method: Based on their body mass index (BMI), the subjects were randomly divided into three experimental groups and one control group. Each group had 10 students. Each experimental group participated in a 45-min exercise training program 4 days a week. All groups were required to take part in diet control workshops. All data collected at pre-test and post-test were analyzed by one way ANCOVA. Results: After 8 weeks, all experimental groups performed better than the control group on the 1600 meter run/walk test. The strength training group performed better than all other groups on the sit-and-reach test. There were no significant differences between the groups on the other physical fitness tests. In muscle mass and lean body mass, the strength training group was significantly better than the control group, but not the other 2 experimental groups. Moreover, the body fat mass of all experimental groups was significantly decreased as compared to the control group. Conclusion: After 8 weeks of different exercise training programs, the students in the weight control program had great improvement not only in cardiovascular fitness but also in body composition, with strength training having the most positive effect on muscle mass and lean body mass. Therefore, overweight students should be encouraged to do exercise often, and strength training should be included in the exercise program.體適能運動計畫身體組成physical fitnessexercise programbody composition不同運動訓練介入對體重控制班學生體適能的影響