國立臺灣師範大學國文學系許華峰2015-11-172015-11-172012/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75560本次所提研究計畫為「江聲《尚書集注音疏》與吳派《尚書》學研究」三年期計畫 的第三年計畫。 「江聲《尚書集注音疏》與吳派《尚書》學研究」的目標在於以江聲的《尚書》學 研究為基礎,討論清代吳派三種《尚書》注解的異同,並擴及吳派學者對《蔡傳》的實 際態度。相關研究,分成三年進行。經過一年半的執行,將整體計畫內容根據實際執行 的狀況加以修正。整體的計畫內容如下: 第一年為江聲《尚書集注音疏》的內部研究:(一)針對《皇清經解》本《尚書集注 音疏》與現存兩種篆文本進行全面的本文字的對照。(二)說明江聲對所輯漢人經說的 態度,以及江氏如何發揮個人的見解。 第二年為江聲、王鳴盛《尚書》注解的對比:詳細比對二書所輯漢人經說的材料來 源以及對經說取捨判斷的異同,以了解二人對《尚書》注解的看法以及學術觀點的異同。 第三年以江聲《尚書集注音疏》和孫星衍《尚書今古文注疏》對比:孫星衍與江聲 的往來甚為密切,孫星衍除了為江聲作傳,並曾以書信討論《尚書》的問題。故本年的 計畫將詳細對比江、孫二人的《尚書》注,尤其注意二人對《尚書》理解不同之處。在 了解三位學者的《尚書》學後,亦將旁及吳派學者對《蔡傳》的態度的討論。The study program is focused on「Jiang Sheng, "Shang Shu Annotation" and the Wu School, "Shang Shu" Study」. Based on Jiang Sheng’s "Shang Shu" study, it not only discusses the Wu School’s three kinds of "Shang Shu" explanations in the Ching Dynasty but also the Wu scholars’ actual opinions toward “Tsai Chuan”. The related investigation will be completed in three years: The first year: the internal study to Jiang Sheng, "Shang Shu Annotation". Besides of the comparison among the different versions of annotation wordings, the study’s focal point is on Jiang Sheng’s perspective to the edited Han people’s scripture commentary, and how he elaborates personal viewpoints. The second year: through the comparison among the three "Shang Shu" annotations, by Jiang, Sheng, Wang, Ming-sheng, and SUN, Xing-yan, to research that if these Wu scholars have the same viewpoints on "Shang Shu" annotations. In the first two years, the core study is about the Wu School’s "Shang Shu" Study in the Ching Dynasty, centered on Jiang, Sheng. The third year: centered on the comparison between "Shang Shu Annotation" and “Tsai Chuan”, to explain Wu scholars’ viewpoints on “Tsai Chuan”. This application is about the study program for the second year.江聲《尚書集注音疏》與吳派《尚書》學研究(III)Jiang Sheng, ’Shang Shu Annotation’ and the Wu School, ’Shang Shu’ Study