江明賢陳振豪2020-12-102011-7-212020-12-102011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097603112%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115011情色圖像,向來不被主流文化所接受,直至現在也以次文化稱之,遑論入中國話中並成為主題;但此類慾望,卻是大部分群體都曾主動或被動接受的資訊,何罪之有? 仕女畫從古至今也已發展千餘年,從傳統的勸說婦女如何立身處事,修養品德,到展現婦女的審美觀念,直到民初仍以表達當代的女性特質為繪畫主旨。隨著西方文化的刺激,女性意識的抬頭,現代的仕女畫,必須擺脫傳統禮教的束縛、主流價值的囹圄,並且融合當代的背景元素,回歸創作者本身的自我察覺。 窺視,往往脫離道德價值,卻能發覺被窺視對象最真實的一面。現代的女性,講求表達自我的情感,甚至情慾的解放;但受到中國傳統禮教的觀念,情感必須在眾人面前壓抑,惟有最隱私的空間、領域,才能做真正的自己。而從窺視的角度、視點來重新解讀女性,才能進一步的感受他們的思潮。 在此次研究中,創作者運用多視點的構圖方式,在寫實的手法中融合了立體派的構圖精神以及畫面主體的線條延伸來造成主題的分離,也利用畫紙的裁切來造成猶如從窺視者視點的特寫及畫面壓迫感,讓觀者可以在分離的紙上看到獨立且多元化的情慾表象。但是當所有分離的畫面獨立卻連續的重組時,原本獨立表現時所展現的情慾力量,卻未以倍數的方式增強,而是一同被削弱,因為觀看者必須回到自身的主動省思以及被動的創作者所給予的觀念,所有最初所建立的觀感,又將導回於對一幅畫的美感認知─美的十大原理原則。Desire picture in the trend is viewed as subculture and non acceptable in common. Even showing sexual desire in Chinese painting can be viewed as taboo. Ironically speaking, most of people actively and passively receive desire information from ancient to now. How could we criminalize it. The developing of lady painting is about thousand years. The themes cover from how the female’s appropriate behaviors in society, showing moderate virtue and what the beautiful female look like from male’s point of view. Ten decades ago, the main theme to showing female is not jumping out this frame. With the coming and stimulus of western culture, female consciousness rises in China. Modern lady painting must get rid of the grasp of tradition. Going back to the observation of artists themselves and combination of modern elements mingled from the world is the essence of mode lady paintings. People can discover the real part of object by peeking, although it goes far from ethic virtue. Modern female emphasizes self expression and liberation of desire. Due to the oppression of Chinese culture, female should oppress emotion. Female can be themselves free only in private space. Thus by peeking angle, we can re analyzefemale and touch the real core feeling in mind. In this thesis , painter uses multi visual points structure to present the works. People can find cubism and the maping of combination of different works into one completed work. Painter also uses the cutting of paper to present the oppression of vision and zoom in vision by peeker’s point of view. Thus appreciators can see multi differentiation in desire expression paintings. All the paintings could be viewed as individual and consistent. At this moment the power of desire is not multi timed but diminished. Viewer need to go back to self thinking and receive the concept from creator. All the thinkings should be guided back to the essence of beauty- ten discipline of beauty.情色窺視情慾分離重組desirepeeklustseparationrecontruction窺視中的情慾表象—畫面中人體結構美學的分離與重組之研究The Desire Symbolism of Voyeurism -The Study of Body Strucure Art's Separation- and Recontruction in The Painting