馮明珠賴香菊Fung, Ming-ChuLai, Hsiang-Chu曾瓊慧Tseng, Chiung-Hui2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7ffd42ff45f0cd89acae4672a94a68a1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121916本論文的研究目的為深入了解現代亞健康高齡族對於正向老化的實踐與挑戰。研究透過彙整相關文獻提出一個包含健康活、開心活與尊嚴活三大主軸的研究架構,並進一步發展合計17個構面。本研究採取質性研究方法,依據主軸與構面設計訪談議題,從愛自在銀髮俱樂部找出九位不同背景的高齡族,進行深度訪談。研究結果顯示,健康活的主軸中,高齡者可以透過保持健康生活型態以及維持運動習慣來維持自理能力,另一方面,高齡者也需注意環境安全、主動覺察自我健康狀況並積極就醫以確保一定的健康狀態,高齡者也應多了解並利用社會資源來改善健康活各構面。在開心活的主軸中,研究發現共同居住人型態不但會影響家庭關係維繫的模式,還會影響到生活自主性,自主性又會影響到高齡者的人際關係與個人休閒活動的安排自主性,人際關係與個人休閒活動的安排亦會相互影響。最後,就尊嚴活主軸中,經濟保障影響最大,經濟穩定有餘裕的高齡者,不管是擔任社會志工、打理體面形象都較容易,更能在身後事與臨終醫囑上的安排多些選擇範圍與自主性。三大主軸間也相互影響,因為跨主軸間的交互作用,本研究發現高齡者退休前準備與老後居住問題的重要性,若能及早準備或預防相關事宜,老年生活就能達到有備無患的效果,在正向老化的調適過程中也能更為順利。最後,本研究希望藉由研究成果關於正向老化該有的完整架構,提供愛自在俱樂部在訂定未來發展策略時,確認定位與目標,檢視並發展相關議題的課程或活動,協助目標族群邁入正向老化之路。The research goal of the present study is to deeply explore the modern conception, practices, and challenges of positive aging. The study proposes a research framework that contains three axes: healthy life, happy life, and dignified life, through reviewing relevant literature. Furthermore, each axis develops five to seven constructs to comprehensively discuss the conception of positive aging. The study employs the qualitative method, designing an interview protocol based on the research framework to capture critical content. Participants are nine older adults from different backgrounds in the Itsuzhai Senior Club.The results show that older adults can maintain their independent ability through a healthy lifestyle and persistent exercises in the healthy life axis. Moreover, older adults must be careful about environmental safety, be aware of their health condition, and seek proper medical advice to maintain their health. In addition, older adults can utilize available social resources to elevate all the other constructs. In the axis of the happy life, the study finds that the co-resident types influenced the older adults’ family relationships and autonomy in life. Moreover, autonomy in life influences older adults’ social relationships and leisure time arrangements. In the axis of the dignified life, the study reveals that the economy is the most influential construct and influences older adults’ decent appearance, social contributions, funeral arrangements, and decisions about terminal care. Besides, the present study explores the interactions among axes and finds two important new constructs: the preparation prior to retirement and the elderly residence issue. Older adults will have smoothly positive aging if they practice these two new constructs in advance. Finally, the present study wants to provide an overarching framework of positive aging to the Itsuzhai Senior Club, expecting the institution to examine its current courses and activities and set up its strategy for future development and goals based on the research findings.亞健康高齡者愛自在銀髮俱樂部正向老化健康活開心活尊嚴活sub-health older adultItsuzhai Senior Clubpositive aginghealthy lifehappy lifedignified life現代觀正向老化之探索Exploring the modern view of positive agingetd