黃明月楊小梅Yang, Hsiao Mei2019-08-292014-1-242019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0000023103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92159本研究以質性研究為主,居家觀察為輔,研究對象採立意取樣,以越南籍新住民女性與子女共3對,班級導師為輔的訪談對象。結合新住民家庭背景分析與親子互動理論,來瞭解親子互動狀況、新住民親子互動的溝通型態以及探討新住民親子互動的相關因素,歸納新住民女性與子女互動關係,得到以下的結論: 一、新住民親子互動層面以生物層面為主,其次是經濟層面、社會層面,心理 層面互動最欠缺。 二、新住民親子溝通型態沒有固定模式,有原則的新住民女性,在親子互動中, 孩子比較能知道媽媽的原則,獎懲有跡可循,親子互動較佳。 三、新住民女性是家庭主要的照顧者,其學歷背景與語言能力,再加上面對家庭經濟 壓力,必須出外工作,親子互動時間減少,影響親子互動;同時,家人關係及互 動佳,對新住民女性與子女互動過程中,有加分的效果。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議,作為相關教育輔導工作人員及後續研究之參考。 一、加強新住民女性語言溝通能力 政府及學校開設華語識字班,鼓勵新住民女性多與子女用母國語言互動,增 加子女對母國文化認同。 二、辦理親職教育課程提昇親子互動 政府及學校辦理符合多元化親職教育課程內容,鼓勵新住民參與親子教育講座, 提昇親子互動內涵。 三、辦理子職活動,增加親子互動內涵 鼓勵新住民女性積極參與子女學校活動,關心子女學校生活,增加與子女分 享、閱讀等活動內容。The purpose of this study was to understand the contents, the ways of communication and related factors of the newly immigrants’ parent-child interaction. This study was mainly based on qualitative research. In depth interview supplemented by observation were the methods to collect data. Three female newly immigrants from Vietnam and their children were subjects of this study by Purposive sampling. The results were as follows. 1.The contents of parent-child interaction focused on biological dimension, followed by economic dimension and social dimension. Psychological dimension was lack. 2.There was no fixed pattern for parent-child interaction. However, the newly immigrants performing clear principles in rewards and punishments resulted in better parent- child interaction. 3.The newly female immigrants were the primary caregivers in family. The opportunities of parent-child interaction were influenced by their insufficiency of academic background, language skills, and working loads. Neverthless, better family relationship helps to improve interactions with their kids. Based on the findings, some suggestions were provided: 1.To strengthen the newly immigrants language communication skills. 2.To provide parenting education for newly immigrants. 3.To held multicultural activities in school to promote parent-child interaction connotation.新住民親子互動newly immigrantsparent-child interaction新住民親子互動之研究A study on parent-child interaction of newly immigrants