彭淑芸饒培倫楊錦洲Shu-Yun Peng, Pei -Luen Patrick Rau, and Ching-Chow Yang2014-10-272014-10-272004-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17879沉浸(Flow)可帶來正面刺激效果,但過度沉迷卻是一種傷害。但沉迷研究議題廣泛,相關因子特別多,沒有「絕對的」自變數與依變數。它是動態的,因人、因時空而異。它沒有固定的模式與架構,網路活動使人沉迷,也有些是個人本身獨特或不幸的因素使然,在整個探討過程中,受到情境或主題目標影響,這是傳統研究所始料未及的。網路沉迷問題缺乏整體概念,本研究從醫學研究、網路沉迷研究、人類心理學研究、社會心理學研究等角度,透過文獻、書籍、演講與相關報導,從需求面出發,探索電腦與網路的使用及其效益與影響。在探討的過程當中收集「敘述性的語言資訊」,再依其親和關係運用KJ法歸納整理,描繪出「網路沉迷關聯模型」。「網路沉迷關聯模型」勾勒出網路沉迷的概念地圖,就網路沉迷這種精神層面的問題來說,因果錯綜複雜且混沌不清,透過這個概念地圖,大則可以透視網路沉迷的整體面,掌握沉迷發生可能的來龍去脈;小則可以剖析個案發生之因果關係,以期能從人的歷史的因緣際會,分析個人的內心世界,藉此解釋說明各種情境的沉迷個案,透過通盤的視野,探討正確的使用態度。依不同的個案,即可利用蛛絲馬跡比對、預測未來並尋求防範損害之道。本研究萃取出三個屬於經常性問題模型: (1). 早年經驗創傷「歷史因緣」,引發「壓力因素」,造成網路沉迷、 (2). 「個人特質」引發「使用動機」,造成網路沉迷,以及 (3). 「挑戰性」激發「享受經驗」並「滿足使用者慾望」,享受沉浸經驗下造成沉迷,並利用四個個案分別驗證之。Internet Addiction is a new mental disorder, which is hard to describe its total concept due to its comprehensiveness. With the rapid growth of Online Games market, the importance of Online Game addiction has also increased considerably. This research investigates the how using Internet affects the lives of heavy Internet users based on comprehensive perspective. An integrated model, Internet Addiction Relation Model (I - ARM), is developed based on research fields such as Medical Addiction studies, Internet Addiction studies, and Psychology and Social Psychology. The framework of I - ARM likes a mind map of Internet addiction, represents and explains the phenomena and motivations of Internet addiction. This research utilizes “KJ Method” to organize relationships of causation and phenomena of Internet Addiction. I - ARM includes three models at least. These could be utilized to analyze a player by his/her background, past Internet experience, social status, thinking and behavior, etc. This research studies four cases, embracing the phenomena of addiction, to examine the Internet Addiction Relation Model. It can help to recognize who are the potential guys to get trouble with addiction, and counsel them in advance.KJ法沉浸線上遊戲網路沉迷FlowInternet addictionKJ methodOnline game網路沉迷要素關連性模型之建構與分析Developing Internet Addition Relation Model (I-ARM) and Cases Study