曾淑賢盧珮瑜2019-08-292006-6-302019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0092023210%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92034摘要 館員的服務態度與專業能力,直接影響組織的形象,要提升組織形象,必先提升館員形象。北市圖組織系統龐大,服務對象廣泛,在科技時代,館員除了傳統圖書館專業知識外,還須擁有資訊科學的知識與技能。而北市圖不定期舉辦各種提升服務的課程,並積極運用行銷策略,宣傳推廣各種活動,因此讀者對於北市圖館員的形象認知是否有所轉變是有待研究的。 本研究旨在探討北市圖讀者對館員形象的認知與評價,本研究利用文獻分析法,建立圖書館員形象之理論基礎;運用分館主任問卷瞭解北市圖分館主任對館員形象經營之意見;並利用讀者問卷以瞭解讀者對北市圖館員形為的認知與評價。根據調查結果提出建議,以為其他類型圖書館員未來形象經營的參考依據。 本研究結果為: 一、分館主任在提升圖書館及館員形象的措施主要是以教育訓練、講座、推動ISO為主;另外分館主任認為行銷活動、館員教育訓練,對提升館員形象也正面的影響;而館員的教育訓練、館舍環境維護、軟硬體更新、CIS的建立對提升北市圖整體的形象及館員的形象是很重要的;另外分館主任認為在館員形象塑造上所遇到的困境為專業性未受肯定等。 二、讀者對「館員是友善親切的」評價最高;而對於「館員的待遇是很優渥的」評價最低。 三、讀者對北市圖館員的看法中以正面的看法居多,其中認為北市圖館員「親切、友善」的讀者所占比例最高。 四、經由單因子變異數(ANOVA)分析的結果,不同性別、不同年齡、不同職業、不同教育層度的讀者對館員形象認知與評價部分是達顯著差異的。A study of the reader's recognition and evaluation to the image of librarians of Taipei Public Library Abstract The librarian’s attitude and professional abilities influenced the organization’s image directly, hence the librarian’s image is a crucial factor to organization’s overall image. Taipei Public Library is a large scale organization with varied target customers. In the scientific age, in addition to traditional library’s professional knowledge, the librarians must also possess the information and technical ability. Taipei Public Library holds various kinds of courses to improve service quality irregularly, and take marketing strategy actively. These various kinds of promotion and popularize activities may change readers’ recognition to Taipei Public Library and its librarians’ image. This is the motivation that we made this study. The goal of this study is to explore the reader's recognition and evaluation to Taipei Public Librarians’ image. The study methods include literature analysis and two questionnaires to explore the reader's recognition and evaluation to Taipei Public Librarians’ image, and the opinions of the managers of Branches of the Taipei Public Library. According to the investigation result, we had proposed the suggestions to other kinds of libraries for the librarians’ image management. The conclusions of this study can be listed as follows : 1. The branches managers thought the measures for promoting the image of libraries and librarians are educational training, promote ISO and marketing activities; librarian’s educational training will have good influence to raising the librarians’ image. In addition, the managers thought the librarian’s educational training, house environment maintain, software and hardware upgrade, and establishing of CIS are very important in raising the image of Taipei Public Library and librarians. The primary difficulty in librarians’ image building is that the professional ability is not affirmed. 2. The highest affective appraisal to the readers is the “librarians are kindly”, while the lowest affective appraisal is the “librarians get high pay”. 3. The results of One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed the Gender, age, job, and education background would be apparently diverse in some part of recognition and evaluation of the image of the Taipei Public Librarians.形象圖書館員公共圖書館專業形象臺北市立圖書館讀者對館員形象認知與評價之研究