孫弘岳Suen, Hung-Yue粘瀞方Nien, Ching-Fang2020-10-192025-12-262020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060771003H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110879同步視訊面試與非同步視訊面試成為了近幾年來企業主流的面試工具,而人工智慧科技的興起被廣泛地運用在招募作業上,提供雇主有效率的選才。有研究發現,面試官對應徵者的外表知覺與第一印象,會因為不同的視訊面試介面,而影響面試官對應徵者的評價,繼而影響甄選效度。亦有研究發現,應徵者的自我推銷行為會影響面試官的評價。然而,卻鮮少有研究探討對於而應徵者在面試時的自我推銷行為,是否也因不同的介面設置產生差異?以及面試官感知應徵者的自我推銷行為是否也有所不同?此外,隨著愈來愈多視訊面試結合人工智慧的判斷功能,但此功能對於應徵者自我推銷的影響仍撲朔迷離。因此,本研究以同步/非同步視訊面試介面、人工智慧判斷及真人面試官為自變項,以準實驗設計方式探討在不同面試介面與不同決策代理的環境設置下,應徵者使用自我推銷印象管理策略以及面試官感知應徵者使用自我推銷印象管理行為之關聯性。 參與研究對象為116位應徵者,範圍設定在應屆畢業生或是正在尋找全職、兼職或實習工作機會的學生、社會人士。同時亦有116位面試官加入實驗,所有面試官設定為平均五年就業面試經驗的人力資源專業人員,研究方法以網路問卷的方式發放填寫,應徵者與面試官收回總計232有效問卷。根據研究結果顯示,由於同步視訊面試介面的媒體豐富程度較高,在面試中能傳遞較多的訊息,面試官感知到更多應徵者在面試時使用的自我推銷印象管理策略;然而,加入人工智慧面試官的同步或非同步視訊面試與應徵者自我推銷印象管理以及面試官感知應徵者使用印象管理並無顯著差異。 With the ever-changing nature of technology, synchronous video interviews (SVIs) and asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) have emerged as new interview modalities for enterprises in recent years, and the artificial intelligence (AI) technology is widely used in personnel selection. Studies have shown that the appearance and the first impression of applicants in different video interfaces can affect interviewer’s rating and selection evaluation. Also, researchers found that candidate’s self-promotion behavior can affect interviewer’s rating; However, it has rarely been discussed that whether the interviewees’ self-promotion behaviors may perform differently toward the different interfaces and decision agents, which may distort the hiring decision as well as the interviewer’s perception of the interviewee’s self-promotion behaviors during an interview. Moreover, it is still unknown the effect of using AI agent on interviewee’s self-promotion behaviors. Accordingly, in this study, we conducted a total of four mock video interviews in a 2 (AVI vs. SVI) × 2 (human rater vs. AI agent decision) quasi-experimental design. Using ANOVA hypothesis testing to test the relationship between interviewees’ use of self-promotion and interviewers’ perception of interviewees’ self-promotion with four experimental groups setting. 116 interviewees who are students, fresh graduates, looking for full-time or part-time job opportunities were invited; 116 interviewers with an average 5 years of interview experience Human Resource professionals participated in the experiment. All interviewees and interviewers were randomly assigned to one of our experimental groups, and they were conducted under the one-on-one mode. Received total 232 effective questionnaires, and found that interviewers perceived interviewees present more self-promotion behaviors in SVI with or without AI agent than in AVI with or without AI agent due to higher media richness; Nevertheless, neither interviewees nor interviewers present and percept more self-promotion behaviors with SVI or AVI plus AI agent.自我推銷 、印象管理同步視訊面試介面非同步視訊面試介面人工智慧Self-promotionImpression managementSynchronous video interview (SVI)Asynchronous video interview (AVI)Artificial intelligence (AI)視訊面試的介面與人工智慧判斷功能對應徵者自我推銷印象管理之影響The impacts of interface and artificial intelligence agent on interviewees’ self-promotion in video interviews