黃麗娟Huang, Li-Juan林佳慧Lin, Jia-Hui2023-12-082023-07-302023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/792215583cbaf2040d0d8ec5ad05ac9f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119861本研究旨在探討美感教育融入國中閱讀教育的影響性,並希望培養學生在美學思維、生活經營、社會參與及美感感知的能力,使其能藉由閱讀課程中的美感文學達成美感文學教育的涵養。筆者採取行動研究取向,研究過程分為三階段:規劃、實施、完成。規劃行動研究方向時,筆者首先確認教學中的問題,進而分析成因,最後擬定行動方案及評鑑工具;實施階段開始進行課程,並檢視及分析以進行修正;完成階段則是發表結果。本研究以Maxine Greene的「美育思想」作為美感教育閱讀策略的理論基礎,探討以美感教育融入閱讀策略後對於國中八年級學生的閱讀態度及閱讀理解能力的影響。以筆者任教的桃園市Z公立國中八年級班級,該班共29位學生為研究參與者。閱讀題材融入美感教育方面,筆者從教育部發行的《安妮新聞時報》中選擇〈夏季特刊〉設計五個單元,分別是〈童話、傳說與他們的產地〉、〈芬蘭如何從小學開始打擊假新聞〉、〈地球的每日概觀〉、〈從象形文字到表情符號〉、〈通貨膨脹加上債務,貧窮國家面臨飢餓邊緣〉,進行12節的美感閱讀課,為期約三個月,以學生學習單、學生回饋單、教師的觀察記錄,與教師的省思札記為主,訪談為輔,進行研究分析及討論的結果,得出以下結論:一、閱讀題材融入國中美感教育,閱讀《安妮新聞時報》中,啟發學生對美感閱讀具內化思考的能力。讓學生具有美感思維、能欣賞《安妮新聞時報》的插畫、為自己設立閱讀目標,教師引導其學習制定具體的實踐方法。二、閱讀題材融入國中美感教育,在美感思維中,對學生的生活美感經營及美感文化的參與具正面影響。學生能察覺閱讀中的美感模式、願意透過美感文字、知曉閱讀審美的內化學習方法。三、從閱讀題材的美感性、文化性及實踐性得知閱讀題材融入國中美感教育具適切性。閱讀題材融入美感教育使筆者在教材設計及教學技巧上有所成長。最末,根據研究結果提出建議,作為推動美感教育閱讀策略者與未來研究之參考。The research proposes to explore the influence of integrating aesthetic education into reading class in secondary school in hope to cultivate the aesthetic philosophy, life management, social involvement and the ability for aesthetic senses. In the atmosphere of pursuing short-term benefits and money-centered Taiwan’s society, the researcher attempts to achieve the purpose of cultivating the literary aesthetic sense by means of literature aesthetic education in the general reading class.To fulfill the aforementioned purposes, the researcher adopts the action research and separates the research processes into three phases: 1. planning 2. implementation 3. achievement. In the planning phase, the researcher firstly identifies the issues surrounding teaching, then analyze the causes behind the issues, and finally fabricate the action plan and develop assessment tools for teaching results. In the implementation phase, the researcher starts to implement course planning and inspect, analyze for improvement. In the final stage of achievement is to demonstrate the teaching results.The research is developed based on Maxine Greene’s “Aesthetic Education Thought” as theoretical foundation for aesthetic education. The researcher constructs the conceptual framework of “Pyramid of a Fulfilling Life” and uses the model to build the theoretical foundation. The research subjects are 29 eight graders in researcher’ homeroom class. As for the integration of aesthetic education into reading materials, the researcher designed 5 lessons from “The Anne Times”, which are “Fairy tales, Fables and Where to Find Them”, “How Finland Fights Fake news from elementary school”, “Daily Glimpse of the Earth”, ” From Hieroglyphs to Emojis”,“Inflation plus debt put poor countries on the brink of starvation”, and. There are 12 aesthetic reading classes in total withing the duration of 3 months. Learning sheets, feedback sheets from students along with observation records and reflections from the homeroom teacher as the main analytical documents. Added up with interviews, the researcher has concluded and organized the following analytical findings:In the project of integrating aesthetic education in the Reading materials in middle school, when reading “The Anne Times”, it can inspire students to internalize the reading experience for deeper thinking. Through awakening the aesthetic senses within students, the educator can guide them to appreciate the illustrations of “The Anne Times”, set personal reading goals, and set up feasible reading practices. Throughout the process of implementation, by arousing students’ aesthetic senses, it can create positive influence on students’ active pursuing for aesthetics in daily lives and search for more involvement in aesthetic cultures. Students are able to be aware of the aesthetic modes in reading experiences, and they are willing to internalize their learning through the appreciation of the beauty of words and the aesthetic sense in reading.閱讀題材美感教育行動研究安妮新聞時報Maxine GreeneReading materialsAesthetic Education ThoughtAction researchThe Anne Times美感教育題材融入國中閱讀教育教學之行動研究The Action Research of Integrating Aesthetic Education Materials into Literary Teaching in Middle Schooletd