孫翼華Sun, Yi-Hua洪國為Hung, Kuo-Wei2023-12-082023-01-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4622a1bd79f9813aca47e35d66e0dc4a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118873筆者研究以「爬蟲」創作作品為發想,藉由美國神經科學家保羅‧D‧馬克萊﹙Paul Donald Mac Lean , 1913-2007﹚三位一體的大腦研究,經由認知及腦神經科學的基礎概念,作為本創作論述之詮釋。第一章說明研究動機與目的、研究內容與方法、研究範圍與限制及名詞釋義之敘述,確立立論。第二章學理探討人類行為與數位化環境為主要文獻立論之基礎,內容大致分三部分論述,第一部分,人的演變與大腦運作為主;第二部分,數位環境對人的交互影響;第三部分,相關學者如何以文學或作品來傳達或反應當下社會狀態,隨著時空背景提出可預期的發展及觀點。第三章以人類行為及數位環境下所產生新型態社會現象,以對應至藝術領域中進行探究,並梳理「非理性」與「數位化」的相關美學、哲思與藝術表現等。第四章個人創作思維與實踐,建構個人創作思維與作品表達,提出創作模式及方法。第五章為筆者創作之作品論述分析及立論,論述主要以人類行為、數位化的影響為區分,並以此兩者間相互影響為主要脈絡。第六章結論,檢視研究之成效,檢討創作思路與過程中所遇之問題,究實以創作作品為目標提出成果,並以本次研究為基礎,思考未來可能之發展與規劃。The author takes pieces about ‘Reptilia’ as research. Through the result of the triune brain study made by Paul Donald Mac Lean (1913-2007), the author takes the acknowledge and the basic concept of neuroscience as a description of the essay.In chapter 1, the explanations of motivation and purpose of the study, the concept and methods of the study, the range and limitations of the study, and the explanation of glossaries are contained. Next, the study of human behavior and the digital environment are the basis of the essay in chapter 2. This chapter will be divided into three parts. Human evolution and cerebral processing are the main topics in the first part. The second part will focus on how people are affected by the digital environment. In the third part, the part will focus on how scholars convey and react the current society atmosphere through literacy and art, and give predictable developments and views through time. In chapter 3, the new social form that merged by human behavior and digital environment will be taken into art field to do research, then organize relative aesthetics, philosophy and artistic expression about irrationality and digitalization. Chapter 4, thinking and fulfillment of individual portfolio. Creating patterns and methods will be proposed through building personal thinking and showing art pieces. Chapter 5 is an analysis and argument of author’s art pieces. The argument is mainly divided into two parts which are human behavior and the effect of digitalization, and the interaction between the factors is the core context. The last chapter is the conclusion. In chapter 6, the author reviews the study. Problems that emerged during the processing will be mentioned and fixed. The pieces will be set as a target and offer the result. Moreover, the study will be set as a basis and consider the possible development and program in the future.爬蟲腦爬蟲人數位爬蟲數位化虛擬意識數位盲從偽記憶reptilian brainreptiliansdigital crawlerdigitizationvirtual consciousnessdigital obediencefalse memory雲端上的爬蟲腦—洪國為彩墨創作論述Reptile Brain on the Digital Cloud— Color Ink Creative Discuss of Hung, Kuo-Weietd