唐淑華林欣穎Lin, Hsin-Ying2019-08-282018-08-162019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505002215%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89570本研究旨在探討提問教學法對促進七年級國語文閱讀理解之研究。研究者採取行動研究法,針對國中七年級一個班級進行研究。研究目的有四:一是探討提問教學在七年級國語文課程的實施歷程。二是了解實施提問教學後學生閱讀理解的學習表現。三是了解學生對七年級國語文課程實施提問教學的看法。四是探討教師對七年級國語文課程實施提問教學的省思。 本研究從國中國文課文出發,依據閱讀理解歷程擬題,探討提問教學是否能改善尋求改變的教學現況。為達研究目的,研究者主要蒐集教學觀察紀錄表、提問學習單、研究者的回顧省思等質性資料,另外輔以訪談紀錄、提問教學問卷、提問教學回饋,來檢視學生閱讀理解的表現情形與對國語文課程實施提問教學的看法,資料分析結果歸納如下: 一、提問教學有助於國語文閱讀理解課程的規劃。 二、省思提問教學的意涵可以修正教學歷程: 連結學生生活,發展高層次問題;連結先備知識,搭建輔助鷹架;以學生為中心,觀察學生的學習狀態。 三、提問教學後可看見學生閱讀理解的進步表現與待改善處。 四、學生對七年級國語文課程實施提問教學多持正向看法: 教師提問問題與技巧對閱讀理解有正向影響;提問教學促使個人閱讀理解能力的進步;提問教學的上課方式對個人態度有正向影響。 五、提問教學讓教師獲得省思與成長。 根據上述研究結果,研究者亦提出相關建議,以做為未來在提問教學法促進國語文閱讀理解上的課程設計與教學參考。This action research aimed to explore how the question-posing strategy enhanced Chinese reading comprehension.The participants of this study were the twenty-seven seventh graders in class. There were four purposes of the study. (1) to explore the process the question-posing strategy was implemented in the seventh Chinese lesson.(2) to understand the students’ reading performance after implementing this strategy.(3) to understand the students’ views on the seventh Chinese lesson implemented by this strategy. (4) to explore the teacher’s reflection on implmenting this strategy in the seventh Chinese lesson. This study was based on the text on the textbook and raised questions about reading comprehension, which tried to figure out if this instruction could improve the teaching situation. To reach the research purposes, the researcher collected the qualitative data , including the research teaching observation records, the students’ worksheets, and the teacher’s reflective feedbacks. The interview records, the questionnaire, and the students’ feedbacks were also supplemented to fully understand reading comprehension performance and the students’ views on the Chinese lesson implemented by the questioning instruction. Through analyzing the above data, the findings were inducted as following. 1. The question-posing strategy was helpful for planning Chinese reading comprehension lesson. 2. The feedbacks on this strategy could modify the teaching process: pose high-level questions by connecting with the students’ living experiences; build scaffolding by connecting with the prior knowledge;observe the students’ learning with the student-centered approach. 3. The question-posing strategy could show students’ progress and drawbacks. 4. Most of the students had postive attitude toward the question-posing strategy on the Chinese lesson: the questions posed by the teacher and the skills had postive effects on reading comprehension; the question-posing strategy not only facilitated personal reading comprehension progress but also had positive effects on personal attitude. 5. The question-posing strategy helped the teacher gain reflection and growth. Based on the above results, some relevant suggestions were provided for the future lesson planning and teaching on the Chinese reading comprehension implemented by the question-posing strategy.提問教學法閱讀理解七年級國語文question-posing strategyreading comprehensionthe seventh gradersChinese提問教學法對促進七年級國語文閱讀理解能力之研究An Research on Question-Posing Strategy for the 7th Graders’ Chinese Reading Comprehension