洪榮昭Jon-chao Hong林怡君LIN, YI-CHUN2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099702310%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98814行動加值服務在產業快速的發展之下,使消費者在生活上產生了巨大的變化,隨著無線網路的發展和消費者需求的多樣化,單純的語音服務和網路數據業務已經不再能滿足用戶之需求,基於傳統語音業務的利潤空間已愈來愈小,電信相關業者皆期望可以透過更多加值服務業務,來提高用戶平均利潤貢獻度 (Average Revenue Peruser, APRU)。因此本研究希望可以探討影響消費者採用行動加值服務之關鍵因素,並期望以此提供予電信服務供應商,開拓更大的市場、發展更多的客戶群。 本研究係以Davis(1989)提出的科技接受模式模型為理論基礎,並另加入「資訊安全感」及「手機使用自我效能」作為外部變數。本研究問卷發放數量共計485份,回收427份,並利用AMOS18.0軟體進行SEM實証分析。本研究主要結果如下: (1)認知易用性與認知有用性為影響消費者採用行動加值服務的重要因素(2)手機使用自我效能對認知易用性及認知有用性有顯著之影響(3)資訊安全感對認知易用性及認知有用性皆有顯著之影響。 實證的結果與意涵希望可提供電信業者或行動商務之開發商,在服務的開發及行銷策略的應用上作更積極的改善。相信未來行動通訊加值服務將成為電信通訊業者未來獲利的主要營收成長的重要方向。 關鍵字:資訊安全、手機使用自我效能、科技接受模式With the rapid development of the industry, Value-Add Services has resulted tremendous change to the life of consumers. In view of the shrinking space of revenue of traditional voice service, operators in telecommunication industries are looking for increasing Average Revenue Peruser (APRU) through more value-add service. The curtent research pinpointed the key factors that affecting the willingness of consumers in using mobile value-added services. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, the present study enclosed the sense of information security and internet self-efficacy as external variable. 427 data were validated and analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling. The results indicated that 1) Perceived easy of use and perceived usefulness were the major factors affecting consumers in adopting mobile value-add services; 2) Using mobile phone self efficacy can effectively increase the willingness to use—Mobile value-added service; and 3)The sense of information security has significant effect consumers’ willingness to use the mobile value-added service. The empirical results could refer the increasing individual information security sense and using mobile phone self-efficacy would lead the intention to purchase the value-added service. Key words: Informaton security, mobile phone self-efficacy, technology acceptance model資訊安全手機使用自我效能科技接受模式Informaton securitymobile phone self-efficacytechnology acceptance model使用者的資訊安全感與手機使用自我效能影響應用行動加值服務的意圖之研究Study on the Effects of Users’ Sense of Information Security and Self-Efficacy in Using Mobile Phone Set on the Willingness of Applying Mobile Value-Add Services