郭麗玲博士陳雪雲博士李惠明2019-08-292009-8-252019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0888020053%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92493中年女性參與讀書會對生命發展影響之研究 摘要 本研究以中年期在人口統計上呈現出來的優勢發展為基礎,比較出性別比例隨著年齡增加而有女性人數逐漸多於男性的趨勢;在全民健康水準提高之後,中年女性在教育需求上呈現出多元化的樣態,透過非正式讀書會的型態,可以觀察在長期發展的女性學習團體中,中年女性如何與同儕互動並取得與社會結合的管道。有鑑於此,本研究的目的在於: 一、了解政府政策及相關社會情境對女性讀書會發展的影響。 二、了解女性生命發展與參與讀書會的互動關係。 三、了解非正式女性團體中的經驗交流歷程。 四、透過對女性學習團體的研究,對推展女性學習提供建言。 透過文件資料分析、參與觀察及深度訪談,發現中年女性的學習,組織型態鬆散優於結構化;閱讀內容精簡優於系統化;討論大綱與生活息息相關的臨時提議,優於預先規劃的主題。顯現出中年女性的生活圍繞在家人、配偶、經濟等議題;當問題急迫時,有即時的資訊參考,最符合需求。而在學習目的上,獲得知識分享固然是重要訴求,然而多年經營的姊妹情誼,讓所有參與讀書會的成員都能感受到情感支持,也是吸引中年女性參與讀書會的重要因素之一。 根據本研究的結果顯示,就中年女性學習環境的建構而言,影響因素有三項,分別是:社會環境的結構、人與人之間的連結,以及讀書會適性環境的支持。而就中年女性的自我而言,學會放手的親子關係、學會發聲的夫妻關係及學會伴護的父/母女關係,讓女性奠定了自我發展的基礎,並使女性的自我從圓融中得以展現。he Study of a Reading Group Supports Married Women’s Self-development in Midlife Abstract This study is trying to explore the midlife development of married women who has self-organized and participated in a reading group since 1994. Theoretically, this study emphasizes that female development is based on the perspective of self-in-relation including both the life issues related to private and public spheres and the reading group. A multi-method based on qualitative approach including document analysis, in-depth interviews (with a sample of 8 women) and participant observation was carried out to research into the practice of reading group from 1994 to 2007 and its connectedness for the life of midlife woman. The results of this study are explained as the following: 1. This research proposed that the reading group has provided the knowledge and mutual support to encourage a positive change for married women in midlife. For instance, women negotiated with spouses to have rights to association, and learned and shared the theme of parenting children with each other in the early phrase. Recently, they learned how to take the medical care for their parents and comfort feelings of sadness when the love one past away. Most important of all women explore themselves by adjusting ways, therefore, trust, intimate relationship, and cohesion has grew. 2. Since the reading group becomes a circle of support, married woman’s self-authorship has increased either in the family or public area. When they realize the importance of the sisterhood and ‘women support women’, they will keep on going and collaborate with other groups, even encourage other woman form the group similar. 3. Both governmental and non-profit sector shall collaborate in the development of non-formal education for women in midlife.中年女性讀書會生命發展姊妹情誼women in midlifereading groupself-developmentsisterhood中年女性參與讀書會對生命發展影響之研究