李忠謀余世堯2019-09-052017-8-232019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699470230%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106899隨著時代的變更,許多的E化教室紛紛設立。因為與傳統截然不同的教學設施,教學的方式也漸漸的隨之改變。隨著越來越多的智慧型資訊系統被開發出來,卻因這些系統往往彼此獨立,各有各的操作介面,導致原先為了方便使用者而開發出來的系統反成了使用者的負擔。 在這樣的環境下,我們期望建立一個整合系統來統整這些智慧型資訊系統的功能,透過單一的操作介面來減輕使用者的負擔。同時,透過這個整合系統,各智慧型資訊系統的開發者也可利用其中的資訊來加速開發,同時能讓開發者更加專注於自己的目標上。更進一步的說,若其中的智慧型資訊系統有所更新,其他的智慧型資訊系統亦能有所提升。 我們透過將系統切割為資料控管、邏輯控制與資料處理三個部分,使得系統在有足夠的彈性應付未來不可預期的變動時,同時能兼顧一定的效能。也讓各項資料處理的工作劃分的更加乾淨,避免了開發者在非主要目標上投注過多精力的情形發生。As time goes by, lots of E-classroom had been set up. Different from traditional teaching equipment, the way of teaching had been changed. As more and more intelligence information systems had been developed, while each of them is independent and has its own system interface, causing what was intended to offer a convenient system become a burden to users. Under such circumstance, we hope to develop an integrated system to ease users operation by offering a unitary operating interface. At the same time, through this integrated system, developers can also take advantage of it to speed up developing processes thus can pay more attention on his or her goal. In this proposed system, we separate it into three categories: data management, logic controller and data processor, letting the system has the ability to overcome unexpected changes while have good efficacy at the same time. Last but not least, through this system, developers can concentrate on his or hers main goal , avoiding waste time and energy on unimportant matters.智慧型教室整合系統智慧型資訊系統smart classroomintegration systemintelligent information system以電腦視覺為基礎之智慧型教室應用架構與實作Computer Vision Framework for Smart Classroom Applications