謝佳玲Hsieh, Chia-Ling蔡佳恩Tsai, Chia-En2019-08-282022-07-272019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060284007I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86173語言為人類溝通的重要工具,言語內容若使用得當可促發聽話者後續行動或改變聽話者對事物的既有想法。人類每天溝通的訊息不乏說服的成分。說服是個體為了達到目的所使用的社會技巧之一,其語言的使用受到社會權勢、社會距離或溝通情境的影響。另外,說服訊息的強度亦受到不同策略的使用與話輪構成的影響。因此,本研究從會話分析的角度切入,探究華語母語者使用說服策略的現象,以及社會變項對說服策略的影響。 本研究採用開放式角色扮演法及語篇補全測試來蒐集自然對話語料,並以問卷蒐集受試者對於對話內容之說服策略的意見。研究對象包含40位臺灣地區華語母語者,兩人一組依照帶有不同社會變項之情境共同完成7段對話。受試者每完成一段對話即填寫相關的問卷問題,一共收得140段有效對話語料。 研究結果顯示,說服者多使用「利誘」策略,對被說服者拋出有利的條件,吸引被說服者,使其轉變原有立場以達到說服的目的。在話輪構成上,說服者傾向一個話輪中只傳遞一種行為訊息,以呈現清晰的說服意圖。至於變項影響方面,說服者面對長輩時多使用「輿論」策略,藉第三方支持的力量對被說服者產生隱形的壓力,強化個人說服的意圖;說服者面對關係疏遠的對象時傾向使用「建議」策略,並以「附加」或「A not A」問句構成其語言形式。這種策略可減弱直接表達想法的衝突性,表面詢問對方想法,實則表明自己的立場。 根據上述研究結果,本文最後提出教學建議,以溝通能力及任務型教學的觀點來設計教案,用以作為教師提升華語學習者交際能力的參考。Language is an important tool used for human communication. Listeners could change their first thought or be prompted to behave differently if speakers manipulate the language properly. There is no lack of persuasive elements in everyday messages of the human being. Persuasion is one of the social skills to achieve individuals’ goals and its verbal use is affected by social power, social distance or communication context. Moreover, the strength of persuasion is influenced by different strategies and turn-design. This paper explores how Chinese native speakers use persuasive strategies and how these strategies are influenced by social variables based on the Conservation Analysis. This research used role-playing and DCT to collect natural oral dialogue data and used questionnaires to collect participants’ opinion towards the use of persuasive strategies in dialogues. The participants consisted of 40 Chinese native speakers in Taiwan and, in pairs, completed 7 dialogues based on different variables. After completing the role-playing of each dialogue, participants are asked to fill in questionnaires. 140 valid dialogues data are included in the study. According to the study results, Chinese native speakers tend to use the “inducement” strategy, providing beneficial conditions for the counterpart to alternate his or her original stance to achieve their persuasive goal. With regard to the turn-design, Chinese native speakers would rather execute one act to pop out the persuasion intention. As for influences such as social variables, when facing people whose social power is stronger than theirs, Chinese native speakers usually use the “public opinion” strategy, giving counterparts invisible pressure by a backup of the third party to reinforce their persuasive intention. On the other hand, when facing unfamiliar counterparts, Chinese native speakers tend to use the “suggestion” strategy in the form of tag questions and”A not A” questions. This strategy can weaken the confrontation of expressing ideas directly, seemingly asking for the counterpart’s opinion but actually showing his or her own stance. Based on the results above, the research concludes by offering teaching suggestions in accordance with viewpoints of the communication ability and task-based teaching. The teaching plans are designed to serve as a reference for teachers to enhance Chinese learners’ ability to communicate.語用策略話輪構成說服言語行為華語教學pragmatic strategiesturn-designSpeech Actpersuasive messagesChinese pedagogy華語說服言語行為之語用研究及教學建議A Pragmatic Study of Persuasion Speech Act in Chinese and Pedagogical Advice