李忠謀Greg C. Lee邱瓊芳2019-08-292012-2-272019-08-292009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0891080025%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93112本研究提出整合教學影片及實驗策略之學習模式進行高中影像處理原理之學習。研究採準實驗研究法,比較此學習模式對學生學習影像處理之學習成就、對學習活動看法、以及學習電腦科學原理興趣之差異。此外,亦探討學習者特質對課前瀏覽教學影片之影響。研究參與者為二所高中各六個班級的學生,其中兩班學生為實驗組1,兩班學生為實驗組2,另兩班學生為控制組(採用傳統講述法)。實驗組1學生於課前瀏覽教學影片,課堂上進行實驗活動;實驗組2學生於課堂先接受影像處理原理教學,再進行實驗活動;控制組學生則於課堂接受影像處理原理教學。研究結果發現:(1)整合教學影片及實驗策略是可行及有效學習影像處理原理之學習模式;(2)此學習模式可促進課堂上同儕之間及師生之間的互動;(3) 此學習模式可提升學生對學習電腦科學原理之興趣;(4)學生特質方面,學習動機是課前瀏覽教學影片的重要因素。This study proposed a hybrid lecture video plus lab approach for learning of image processing concepts in high schools. The effects of this learning model upon students’ performance and attitudes were investigated. Furthermore, the relationship between learners’ characteristics and before-class video viewing behaviour was also explored. A quasi-experimental research design was conducted at two high schools to examine the results. Six classes were randomly chosen for the experiment from each school. Of the six classes, two classes each were designated as experimental group 1, experimental group 2, and the control group. Students in the experimental group 1 (video+lab group) watched lecture videos before class and used the class time for lab exercises. Students in the experimental group 2 (lecture+lab group) received in-class lectures (the same content as in the lecture videos) and carried out lab exercises in class. The control group received the usual expanded lectures in class. The experimental results show that the proposed model is a feasible and effective way for the teaching and learning of image processing. The new approach also facilitates student-student and student-teacher interactions in the classroom. An improvement in the understanding of the subject by the students and an increased interest toward learning CS are also evident. Furthermore, students’ learning motivation is an important factor for before-class video viewing.實驗策略影像處理模擬軟體lab-based approachimage processingsimulations以教學影片及實驗策略進行影像處理原理學習之研究Learning of Image Processing Concepts in High Schools: A Lecture Video and Lab-based Approach