朱文增楊奕瑋2019-09-052009-1-122019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695310016%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1076942007-2008球季超級籃球聯賽於新莊體育館舉辦之經濟效益評估 完成年月:2009年1月 研 究 生:楊奕瑋 指導教授:朱文增 中文摘要 本研究以非市場價值評估法中的「條件評估法」及「旅遊成本法」為研究方法,將「前往台北縣新莊體育館觀賞SBL賽事」視為一遊憩活動體驗,估算觀眾前往台北縣新莊體育館觀賞SBL之個別遊憩效益,進而推估出整體賽事之經濟效益。此外因SBL為半職業運動,有特定的交易價格存在,消費者前往新莊體育館觀賞SBL整個消費過程中仍具有市場交易的行為,故本研究同時採用以市場價格為基準之消費金額投入值作為評估依據的經濟影響評估法,透過產業關聯乘數表,計算SBL於新莊體育館舉辦帶給台北縣地區之產出效果、所得效果及就業效果。 抽樣期間為 2007-2008 球季SBL例行賽舉辦期間,於新莊體育館隨機發放600份問卷予前往新莊體育館觀賞SBL之觀眾,回收500份有效問卷,所得資料經描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、迴歸分析等統計方法後得知本研究結果為:一、前往新莊體育館觀賞SBL之觀眾特性多半為16-25歲、月收入1萬元以下、居住於北部地區且未婚之大學生;平均花費以門票最高;平均單程交通時間約51分鐘,交通工具以公車及機車為最多。同行成員以同事、同學、朋友為主。84%的消費者本季進場次數為3次以下。二、現場觀眾對於SBL的涉入程度為中高程度;對於前往新莊體育場觀賞SBL的整體滿意度偏高,其中對於新莊體育館之球場設施最滿意,對主辦單位及球團提供服務最不滿意。三、以願付價格為依變數,實際成本、交通時間、進場次數、同行人數、涉入程度、滿意度、人口統計變項為自變數,透過條件評估法求得迴歸模型,發現實際消費成本、家庭月收入及滿意度三變數與願付價格呈顯著正向關係,以條件評估法迴歸模型推估出之每人每次的遊憩效益為869.63元,經濟效益為67,409,420元。四、以進場次數為依變數,實際成本、交通時間、同行人數、涉入程度、滿意度、人口統計變項為自變數,透過旅遊成本法計算出之需求函數迴歸模型中,涉入程度與進場次數呈顯著正向關係,滿意度呈顯著負向關係,以旅遊成本法推估出之每人每次的遊憩效益為1,582.30元,經濟效益為122,652,003元。五、以投入產出法評估SBL於新莊體育館舉辦例行賽之產出效果為59,073,483元,所得效果為19,173,468元,就業效果為2,417個工作機會。 關鍵詞:超級籃球聯賽、新莊體育館、經濟效益、條件評估法、旅遊成本法、 投入產出法The Economic Benefit of 2007-2008 Season Super Basketball League in SinJhuang Arena Date: January, 2009 Student: Yang, I-Wei Adviser: Chu, Wen-Tseng Abstract The purpose of this study was to use contingent valuation method (CVM) and travel cost method (TCM), viewing Super Basketball League (SBL) games in SinJhuang Arena as a recreation activity, to estimate spectators’ individual recreational benefits, then to calculate the whole economic benefit. However, SBL was a semi-professional sport, and there were still some transactional activities when spectators went to watch the games. Therefore this study also adopted Input-Output Analysis (I-O Analysis), using interindustry relations table, to estimate the output effect, income effect and employment effect that arised from SBL games in SinJhuang Arena. The result from this study was broke into five parts. First was that most of the spectators of SBL were at the age between 16-25. Their monthly income was below NT$ 10,000. Most of them resided in North Taiwan, and were single college students. They spent most cost in entrance tickets. Most of them took buses and motorcycles as their transportation tools, and the average transportation time was 51 minutes. They often attended the games with their friends and families. 84% of the spectators attended games below 3 times in this season. Second, the involvement level of SBL spectators in SBL was medium to high, and their satisfaction with SBL was high. They were especially satisfied with the facilities of SinJhuang Arena, and unsatisfied with the services which provided by league and teams. Third, using willing to pay (WTP) as dependent variance, and actual cost, transportation time, attendant frequency, company quantity, involvement, satisfaction and consumer demographic as independent variance, through CVM regression model, this study found that actual cost, family monthly income and satisfaction had significantly positive relationship with WTP. Estimated individual recreational benefit through CVM was NT$ 869.63, and economic benefit was NT$ 67,409,420. Fourth, using attendant frequency as dependent variance, and actual cost, transportation time, company quantity, involvement, satisfaction and consumer demographic as independent variance, through TCM regression model, this study found that involvement had significantly positive relationship with attendant frequency, but satisfaction had significantly negative relationship with attendant frequency. Estimated individual recreational benefit through TCM was NT$ 1,582.30, and economic benefit was NT$ 122,652,003. The fifth findings of this study is that using I-O Analysis to estimate the output effect was NT$ 59,073,483, income effect was NT$ 19,173,468, and employment effect was 2,417 job opportunities.超級籃球聯賽新莊體育館經濟效益條件評估法旅遊成本法投入產出法Super Basketball League (SBL)SinJhuang ArenaThe Economic BenefitTravel Cost Method (TCM)Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)Input-Output Analysis (I-O Analysis)2007-2008球季超級籃球聯賽於新莊體育館舉辦之經濟效益評估The Economic Benefit of 2007-2008 Season Super Basketball League in SinJhuang Arena