徐昊杲楊佳諭2019-09-04不公開2019-09-042009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696700127%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99098本研究旨在發展我國「國民中學技藝教育餐旅職群性向測驗」。為達成研究目的,首先整理有關餐旅職群課程內涵及特殊性向相關文獻,搭配專家訪談與二回合德懷術調查,以建構正式測驗,並針對我國國民中學九年級學生施測,共回收549份問卷,有效問卷回收率達86.19%。在信度考驗方面,本測驗採庫李信度與再測信度進行考驗,庫李信度在.73~.77之間,再測信度則有.62~.79;在效度考驗方面,以專家效度、內容效度及分測驗內部相關來進行效度研究,分測驗內部相關為.40~.56。本研究發展之我國「國民中學技藝教育餐旅職群性向測驗」涵蓋國民中學技藝教育領域所應包含之內涵,經描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法加以統計、分析與討論。研究獲得下列結論: 一、我國「國民中學技藝教育餐旅職群性向測驗」為一具有良好信度與效度的測驗。 二、不同組別的國民中學九年級之學生「國民中學技藝教育餐旅職群性向測驗」有顯著差異。The main purpose of the research was to develop the hospitality aptitude test for Technical Arts Program in junior high school. To achieve the purpose of the study, organized relevant theories of special aptitude test and hospitality curriculum were required and also interviewed the experts with conducted 2 rounds Delphi method to complete the formal test. A total of 549 valid tests were collected, with 86.19% return rate. For the aspect of reliability, test-retest and Kuder-Richards reliability was adopted in the test. As for validity of test, according to three perspectives: the relation between the grades of the sub-tests consisting hospitality aptitude test for Technical Arts Program in junior high school, espert validity and content validity. The Kuder-Richards reliability showed between.73~.77 and the test-retest reliability showed .62~.79.The results showed not only good reliability with the Kuder-Richards reliability between .73~.77 and the test-retest reliability.62~.79 but also statistically satisfactory with the internal consistency was between .40~.56 Descriptive statistics method, t-test, one-way ANOVA were adopted for data analysis and discussions. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The reliability and validity analysis of hospitality aptitude test for Technical Arts Program in junior high school. 2. There was a significant difference in 9th grade students for the hospitality aptitude test for Technical Arts Program in junior high school with different groups. Based upon the conclusions drawn from the study, concrete suggestions were proposed for educational authourity and the future researchers.國民中學技藝教育特殊性向測驗Junior High SchoolTechnical Arts Program in Junior High SchoolSpecial Aptitude Test我國國民中學技藝教育餐旅職群性向測驗之編製Development of the Hospitality Aptitude Test for Technical Arts Program in Junior High School