楊翠竹Chui-Chu Yang2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18530價值觀是個體成長過程中從生活、教育與社會逐漸學習而累積而成的。價值觀形成後,穩定不易改變。消費者價值觀一直被視為影響消費者做決策及選購行為的重要因素。本研究旨在探索消費價值觀與選購機能服飾間的關係,並進而暸解消費者對機能服飾商品的態度與偏好。本研究運用焦點團體訪談法,採立意抽樣法,成功邀約24 人參與訪談,以Gutman(1982) 提出的方法目的鏈(Means-End Chain Model)進行資料分析。結果發現消費者對各種服飾所需求的機能之重要性依序是布抖的手感或觸感,吸濕排汗性、易去污性以及抑菌除臭o 最不考慮的機能性是防磁波、遠紅外線以及瞬間涼感。此外,效能價值是消費者選購機能性服飾商品最重要的指標,服飾的機能性雖然提升該商品在消費者心中的價值感,然而服飾可穿用的時間與地點價值影響消費者對機能性服飾商品價值的評估。而美感價值以及消費者從過去消費累積的經驗對機能性服飾商品價值的建構與選購決策也具有重要的影響力。The purpose of the study was to explore the consumer values toward the functional clothing. This study has conducted three focus group interviews. Means-End Chain method proposed by Gutman (1982)was adopted to an alysis the data. Total 24 participants have involved in the study. There were four types of personal values found to associate to the functional clothing. These four values are effective, economic, experienced aη d aesthetic value. A hierarchical value map was established according to how the participants connected the values with the product attributes. The results indicated that effctive values were the nlOst concerned by the participants. To adopt the functional clothing to satisfy the needs generated by the leisure and sport activities was the main route for participants consuming the functional clothing. Beside the price, how often and when the clothing can be wear were two main concerns appeared in the economic hierarchical route. Aesthetic values also play an influen tial factor on the evaluation of economic values. Participants' knowledge of the textiles and the past consumption experiencecomposed the experienced value route.方法目的鏈(Means-End Chain)消費價值機能性服飾。Functional clothingMeans-End-Chains (MEG)Consumer Values以方法目的鏈結模式初探消費者對機能服飾的消費價值Exploring Consumer Values Toward the Functional Clothing from Means-end Chain Analysis