謝中君Jung-jiun Shie2019-08-122019-08-122018-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80752本研究目的有二:一、編製一份觀察者評量「幼兒園活動參與量表」,建立其信度及效度資料;二、探討發展遲緩兒在幼兒園活動中的參與情形。自編評量表為利用跨活動情境的設計來建立參與的共同因素,以四種幼兒園常見的活動情境(團體討論、繪畫、團體遊戲及自由遊戲活動)來編寫題目,各活動題目於進行探索性因素分析後,找出四個活動的共同因素,即專注、回應、合適行為及互動,再以共同因素的原始題目作為觀察變項,進行二階驗證性因素分析。結果顯示,專注、回應、合適行為之二階因素模式有良好適配度,自由遊戲之互動模式的適配度亦佳。共有153位正常發展幼兒及16位發展遲緩兒參與正式量表編製。本評量表與「文蘭適應行為量表」的同時效度亦合宜。本評量表具有合適的評分者一致性信度,參與研究的評分者均經過訓練,評分者一致性之同意度已達.8。利用自編「幼兒園活動參與量表」評量就讀臺北市22個融合班級30對3至6歲發展遲緩兒及其正常發展同儕的參與表現,結果發現發展遲緩兒在專注、回應表現及自由活動的互動表現均較同儕差,惟在合適行為表現上,發展遲緩兒在四個活動的表現與其同儕相近。此外,發展遲緩兒在繪畫、團體遊戲、自由遊戲的回應表現均比團體討論活動佳,但四個活動的專注或合適行為表現,彼此間沒有顯著差異。Purpose: This study was twofold. First, the study developed an assessment tool called the Preschool Activity Participation Scale (PAPS) to help professionals observe and evaluate children’s participation in preschool activities; the reliability and validity of the PAPS were also established. Second, the study evaluated the performance of the participation of the children with and without developmental delay. Methods: The PAPS was designed to establish the shared constructs of participation within the most common contexts in preschool activities. The test items were designed for each of the following four preschool activities: circle time, drawing, games, and free play. The validation process was as follows. (1) Test items were designed according to the context of each activity and examined and revised separately through an exploratory factor analysis. (2) After the analysis, four shared constructs were identified, namely attention, response, adequate behavior, and interaction. (3) A second-order confirmatoryfactor analysis was utilized to examine the fitnessof the three shared constructs, namely attention, response, and adequate behavior. The test items for the four activities in each shared construct were used as the observation variables and analyzed through a second-order confirmatory factor analysis. Results/Findings: The results indicated that the fitnessof the following shared construct patterns was adequate: attention, response, and adequate behavior. The construct pattern of interaction tested through the confirmatoryfactory analysis was satisfactory. A total of 153 children with normal development and 16 with developmental delay (DD) participated in the process of the confirmator factor analysis. (4) The concurrent validity of the PAPS was also examined through the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS). The results showed the concurrent validity between the PAPS and VABS to be adequate. Notably, the interrater reliability was 0.8. The participation of the 30 pairs of children with and without DD was assessed by the PAPS. Conclusions/Implications: The results indicated that children with DD had significantly lower scores than their peers on the construct of attention in the circle time, group games, and free play activities; on the construct of response in all four activities; and on the construct of interaction in the free play activity. Notably, the children from both groups demonstrated similar performance levels on the construct of adequate behavior. Additionally, children with DD performed better in the activities of drawing, games, and free play than in the activity of circle time in terms of the construct of response. Children with DD performed similarly on the constructs of attention and adequate behavior in all four activities.活動參與發展遲緩兒驗證性因素分析confirmatory factory analysisdevelopmental delaparticipation發展遲緩兒幼兒園活動參與研究Participation of Children with Developmental Delay in Preschool Activities