黃進龍Huang, Chin-Lung林紋而Lin, Wen-Erh2020-12-102017-02-082020-12-102016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060060020T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114585臺灣高山林立、四周環海,且位於環太平洋火山帶中,緊依菲律賓 海板塊與歐亞板塊交界,因此地震頻繁,因此造就了多樣且豐富的陸域、 水域之地形樣貌。 在這片我們生長的土地上,臺灣她賦予了我們眾多的生命與歷史的記 憶。筆者在創作期間走訪臺灣及大陸各地感受不同地區的山水樣貌與氛 圍人情,最終卻決定還是回歸自己的家鄉。筆者認為以臺灣山川做為創 作發想,才能更深入地結合自己對現階段生命歷程中的各種意義去進行 探究。此外,並以平面油彩繪畫及短詩賦予作品有更深更廣的意義,以 詩畫結合的方式探討生活面臨的各種議題,更能衍生出筆者對人、對這 片土地以及對生命各階段的不同詮釋。 詩與畫,皆是藝術的表現。詩使用文字符號,以情感堆疊與時間脈 絡所建構,塑造出一個個情感的意像,來表現作者的情緒與感觸;畫則 是一種空間與色彩的想像,通過色彩樣貌與點線面的構成,將畫面拼組 而成的視覺傳達,同樣的也呈現出繪者的性情與特色。這兩種不同的創 作形態,都能將作者個性與特色做外化的展現。如何將台灣山川風貌輔 以數位化科技的應用,以新詩與油彩繪畫做結合,並展現個人藝術風格, 是本研究論文主要研究方向,大綱如下: 第壹章緒論,其內容為本研究論文的動機和目的,以及研究的方法 架構與名詞解釋。第貳章則是以中西方美術史中的風景畫流變做探討, 並了解科技媒體的應用與新詩的發展脈絡。第參章為創作思想背景,闡 述在台灣山林中的體悟,以及如何進行解構、簡化與再結構之步驟,最 終討論視覺情境與詩作之間的關係。第肆章闡述系列作品的創作表現方 式,包含媒材技法與內容形式。第伍章進行系列作品之自述與賞析。第 陸章則為結論,包含本研究的回顧與省思,以及個人未來創作的延伸與 展望。With mountains stood still and sea surrounded, Taiwan is located in the volcanic belt of Pacific Rim, neighboring the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian plate boundary. Because of that, Taiwan has frequent earthquakes, which make us rich views at fields and water. We are given abundant lives and historical memories as we grow up, and so is the author. The author has been to many regions in Taiwan and China, and embraced several cultures while creating her work. In the end, she chose to return to her own country, Taiwan. The author believes that taking rivers and mountains in Taiwan as her inspirations can help her discover life’s meaning from this phase. Furthermore, the combination of oil painting and verses explores more topics, and awards her plane work deeper and wiper definition. In chapter one, it introduces the author’s motivation and the purpose of the paper, and research methods, glossary as well. In chapter two, it talks about the changing of landscape painting in eastern and western art history. Also, it comprehends the process of technological application and poem. In chapter three, along with the steps of deconstruction, simplify and reconstruction, it discusses the relation between people’s imagination and the poem, and elaborates the author’s realization in the woods as her background thought. In chapter four, it demonstrates the expressions of her series of work. In chapter five, it clarifies her self-statements and appreciations. And in chapter six, also known as the conclusion, it talks about the recaps and reflections of the paper, as well as the expectations toward her future creations.解構在結構詩與畫deconstructionreconstructionpoem and painting臺灣山川中的新詩與畫——數位化解構與平面繪畫的再結構Poem and Painting in Taiwan’s Natural Landscape --- Digitalize Deconstruction and Plane Oil Painting’s Reconstruction