鍾志從Jyh-Tsorng Jong邱美嫚Mei-Man Chiu2019-08-282016-7-112019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698060337%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87111本研究旨在了解幼兒性別知覺與其同儕關係之現況,並檢測兩者之間的關係,且檢驗幼兒性別知覺中的生理性別知覺、心理性別知覺和外觀性別知覺的一致和不一致情況,與其在幼兒同儕社會地位之關聯性。 本研究以357位來自台北市與新北市的十二所公私立幼稚園的小班和大班幼兒為研究對象。透過「幼兒與家長的調查問卷」、「幼兒性別特質量表」、「幼兒玩具選擇偏好作業」、以及「幼兒外觀觀察紀錄表」收集受試幼兒的生理性別、心理性別、和外觀性別知覺現況資料。並以照片式社交計量法收集受試幼兒的「同儕關係」狀況。 所得結果以SPSS19.0進行卡方考驗,發現:一、僅有少數大班的幼兒以性器官的差異來描述自己的生理性別,幼兒多以外觀的長短髮和衣著來區分男生和女生;二、幼兒的心理性別和外觀性別呈現男性化或女性化的性別二元化趨勢;三、以性別比較,男童被歸類為「被拒絕」組的人數比例比女童高,而女童則被歸為「受歡迎」組的人數比例比男童高;四、男童若生理性別、心理性別和外觀性別的性別知覺一致,則容易被同儕接納,反之,若不完全一致者,則易受排斥;但是,女童的性別知覺三者一致或不完全一致者,和同儕關係之間不具有顯著的關聯。 研究建議:一、成人對幼兒性別知覺不一致的情形,應支持其合宜自然地展現兩性特質,尊重幼兒心理需求及興趣;二、未來研究可嘗試探討不同年齡層學童的性別知覺現況。This study was to explore the young children’s of gender perception , peer relationship, and the relationship between the two, as well as further to investigate the association among the consistency or inconsistency of the young children’s perception in biological sex, psychological gender and appearance of gender and their social status. There were 357 young children participated in this study. They were 4 to 6-year-olds selected from twelve public and private kindergartens in Taipei and New Taipei City. By using “Parents And Children Questionnaire,” ”Young Children’s Sex Role Scale,”” Young Children’s Toy Preference Tasks,”and “Young Children’s Appearance Observation Record,” young children’s biological sex, psychological gender and appearance of gender were collected. In addition, young children’s peer relationship was classified by sociometric techniques. The chi-square analysis through SPSS19.0 showed that: First, only a few young children described their biological sex by physical organs. Second, the young children’s perception of psychological gender and appearance gender indicated the dual trend, i.e., masculine and feminine. Three, boys were more to be rejected than girls and girls were more to be popular than boys. Four, boys with the consistency perception in their biological sex, psychological gender and appearance of gender were easily be accepted by peers; in contrast, boys could be rejected by peers. However, there were no significant association with girls’ consistency or inconsistent of gender perception, and their peer relationships. This study suggested that adults should support young children natural characteristics of the gender development and respected their psychological needs and interests. Also, future studies can try to explore the follow-up development of school children in their gender roles.性別知覺同儕關係幼兒gender perceptionpeer relationshipsyoung children幼兒的性別知覺與其同儕關係的關聯The Association Between Young Children's Gender Perception and Peer Relationships