呂有豐張俊興Lue, Yeou-FengChang, Chun-Hsin呂星諺Lu, Hsing-Yen2023-12-082027-06-302023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2b0121e8f0974e0b67d2b6b502d688b0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120782本研究旨為探討「臺灣中古車輛認證與價格鑑定模式」,藉由相關數據分析,將研究成果予以量化。根據研究設計,探討以下目的:1. 探討現今臺灣中古車輛評鑑制度機構之差異;2. 探討國外中古車輛評鑑制度與臺灣車輛評鑑機構差異;3. 探討不同背景變項對於中古車輛評鑑制度與價格認知之差異;4. 將中古車輛評鑑制度與價格差異性量化所得結果。經文獻資料蒐集後,根據臺灣第三方認證機構之評比項目,作為中古車輛評鑑等級依據,並綜合各學者與機構對中古車輛評鑑制度面項與項目的看法,經過專家內容效度分析、項目分析與信度分析後,製作成「臺灣中古車輛認證與價格鑑定模式之研究—以Mercedes-Benz及BMW車系為例調查問卷」,共計發放230份問卷,經篩選得215份之有效問卷,將回收資料經描述性統計、次數分配、平均值、最大值、最小值、標準差、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、多變量分析與Office Excel資料處理分析(質性訪談),進行資料處理。研究發現,臺灣中古車輛認證與價格鑑定模式之研究之結果偏向正向,在「車商經營類別」項目中具有均顯著現象,而中古車從業人員於「評鑑制度」及「車輛銷售與認證」項目並未達到顯著差異,於「價格鑑定模式」均有效解釋中古車輛殘餘價值遞減之項目,可發現Mercedes-Benz與BMW車種,具有價格上折舊後之差異,於受損部位折舊損失程度:若有更換或修復鈑件時,Mercedes-Benz相對BMW車系高;若僅漆面受損產生之折舊損失部分,BMW則高於Mercedes-Benz車系。將研究統一之結果,製作鑑定量化報告書。The research examines the existing vehicle examination criteria and price confirmation standard adopted by used car market in and beyond Taiwan in order to know better how the price of a used car is decided. Quantitative research and statistical analyses are applied to numerically and accurately present the research domain: 1. the differences of the vehicle examination criteria between different agencies, 2. the differences between the vehicle examination criteria used in Taiwan and other countries, 3. whether different car dealers and genders differently interpret the vehicle examination criteria and price confirmation standard, 4. giving a quantitative explanation to the current criteria and standard included in this study.A draft version of the research questionnaire is created based on the existing criteria and standard used by Taiwan’s third-party inspection agency. Through Delphi method, item analysis, reliability and validity analysis are made to improve the draft into the final questionnaire. 230 copies of questionnaire are distributed and 215 valid ones are retrieved. The collected data are analyzed using narrative statistics, including frequency distribution, percentage, average, maximize, minimum, standard deviation, T-test, ANONVA, multivariate statistical analysis and Office Excel analysis.The results show that there is a positive effect on the vehicle examination criteria and price confirmation standard of used car market in Taiwan. Second, there is significant difference between “different types of used car dealers”; however, there is significant difference between “the genders of used car salespersons toward VEHICLE RELATED INFORMATION”; while others are no significant difference between “the genders of used car salespersons”. In conclusion, the results show that Mercedes-Benz cars get more percentage of depreciation rate while the body and stamping parts are damaged or replaced; BMW cars get more percentage of depreciation rate while the body painting is damaged. Last, these 36 categories investigated in this study can be incorporated into an objective and measurable price confirmation standard to make the business easier and more transparent because they well describe the depreciation of a used car due to what level of damage.中古車中古車鑑定鑑定模式Used carVehicle examination criteriaUsed car price confirmation standard臺灣中古車輛認證與價格鑑定模式之研究—以Mercedes-Benz及BMW車系為例The Study of Vehicle Examination Criteria and Price Confirmation Standard on Used Car Market of Taiwan- Take Mercedes-Benz and BMW Vehicles as Examplesetd