王永慈張凱婷Kai-Ting,Chang2019-08-282011-10-172019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696180195%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86040搖滾樂自發展以來,持續在社會、藝術、文化、認同等面向被討論著,1950年代隨著美軍駐台傳入台灣,發展至近十多年來台灣搖滾樂團如雨後春筍般成立,連帶影響更多研究者以台灣搖滾樂發展及搖滾樂團、樂手為研究對象進行研究。本研究採用質性研究方法,以「1976」樂團為研究對象,針對現任樂手 進行深度訪談,書寫樂手個別生命經驗以及樂團發展歷程及歷程中與環境脈絡的交互影響,以及認同的形塑。「1976」團員各自透過不同的生命經驗接觸到搖滾樂、在共同的時空下相遇一起玩團,透過創作傳達自己的生活,也在玩團過程中建構命定般的情誼。十多年來台灣政治環境的變遷與全球化的發展、家人/朋友/產業/環境的各種阻力與助力持續影響著「1976」樂團對情境的詮釋與決定。「玩團至今」這件事讓「喜歡一件事然後一直做下去」變得很有說服力、是足以改變一生的興趣。而「玩團」可以表達自己、認識自己,同時又被很多人喜歡這樣的好事,非常值得推薦給更多的人了解。Rock'n' Roll is often discussed in many disciplines such as sociology, culture, art, etc.. Beginning in 1950s Rock'n' Roll was first introduced into Taiwan by Americans. Nowadays more and more rock bands are sprouting in Taiwan, as well as specific studies about it. This qualitative study focusing on the“1976” band as a research material performed in-depth interviews of “1976” band members. This research shows their individual life experiences, the band's evolution and influence from their environment and the band members' growing identity. The members of 1976 band were exposed to Rock'n' Roll throughout different life experiences but somehow managed to meet each other and that is how the “1976” band was born. They share the passion of music together; therefore, became really good friends and express their life and emotions through their songs. The band' s evolution and the members' decision making are influenced by globalization, the political context, interpersonal relationship, and so on. “Being a rocker” can be a very good interest. Rockers express and recognize themselves through the band' s evolution, moreover, some even become popular rock stars. It is worth recommending.自我認同搖滾樂團1976self-identityrock band1976搖滾樂手玩團經驗與自我認同-以「1976」樂團為例The band experience and self-identity of a rocker- a case study of 1976 band