趙惠玲博士王國川博士莊蕙菁Huipching chuang2020-12-102003-7-282020-12-102003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%2291NTNU0233016%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114228資訊化的現代社會,視覺影像充斥我們的日常生活,因應時代與社會環境的改變,國內外藝術教育界於是興起了「視覺文化」研究領域。本研究之目的在於探討以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育內容,以視覺文化之廣告影像為例,探討研發課程之相關理論基礎,並發展出以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程-「魔幻廣告」。 「魔幻廣告」課程歷經「課程初稿階段」、「課程修正第一階段」與「課程修正第二階段」的修正。課程修正結束之後,以單一受試者研究設計實施課程,課程實施對象為台北市某國民小學六年四班學生,取得學生學習單與前、後測資料作為評量依據,並以推論本研究課程之可行性。 本研究依據研究問題,所獲致的研究結論如下所述: 一、以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育內容方面 以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育具有跨領域研究的特質,所選取的視覺影像應具有文化意涵,並考量台灣視覺文化現象,以作為藝術教育課程教學範疇素材之參考。 二、廣告應用於以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程設計之理論依據 本研究所應用之廣告影像分析理論為:藝術批評之描述、分析、解釋、判斷四階段;符號學之符號具與符號義;以及馬克思主義之使用價值與交換價值等概念。而統整課程設計理論,則是參酌「主題式統整課程模式」以及「核心問題之跨學科概念模式」二種統整課程模式,作為規劃本研究課程架構之理論基礎。 三、發展廣告影像應用於以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程設計 本研究依據文獻探討內容,研擬出「解讀電視廣告影像四個階段」之教學程序。再者,規劃「以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程設計流程圖」,經過修正課程,修潤出本研究之「魔幻廣告」課程。此外,研究者認為於設計課程時應當採取不同專家的角度檢核課程,需與專家實際進行課程的討論,以確實建立課程之內容效度。 四、評估與檢討「魔幻廣告」課程成效之結果 從專家檢核、課程實施成效與學生學習成效三方面,可推估本研究「魔幻廣告」課程為具體可行之課程設計。 基於前述結論,研究者進一步提出對以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程、「魔幻廣告」課程實施、廣告影像應用於以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程三方面的建議,以提供未來藝術教育工作者參考。 關鍵詞:視覺文化、藝術教育、課程、廣告影像。A Study on Curriculum Development, Visual Culture and Art Education: Using Advertising Images as an Example Abstract At this age of modern technology, visual images pervade our daily lives. To respond to the trend as well as to the societal changes, “visual culture” has evolved as a specialty in the art education society both at home and abroad. Taking advertising images as an example, this paper explodes the content of visual culture and art education, investigates the theories related to the development of this kind of curriculum and develops on the grounds of visual culture and art education curriculum made “Magic Advertising”. After it is drafted, “Magic Advertising” undergoes a first- and a second-phase modification. Afterwards, curriculum is implemented under single-participant research design. Informants in this research are the 6-graders of Class 4 from an elementary school in Taipei City. Assessment is made based on informants’ journal pages as well pre- and post-tests and has been adapted as the basis of feasibility study. Findings of the study are: 1.As far as the content of visual culture and art education is concerned Visual culture and art education has one distinctive feature in that it is transdisciplinary, therefore, images selected should be culturally rich. In defining the scope of teaching materials, the current status of local visual culture development should be taken into consideration. 2.Theories involving this paper This research has been conducted based on the following advertising image analysis theories: (1) the four stages, namely, description, analysis, interpretation and judgment of art criticism; (2) the concept of signifier and signified in Semiotics and (3) use value and exchange value in Marxism. In setting up the framework of this curriculum, “Theme Approach” is taken and the integrated curriculum mode, “Interdisciplinary Concept Model with Essential Questions” is adopted. 3.Develop a visual culture and art education curriculum with advertising images Based on literature review, the researcher has developed a pedagogical process named “4 Steps of Interpreting Advertising Images”, and a “Curriculum Design Flow Chart”. Evolving from the two, and with some modification, the “Magic Advertising” curriculum is proposed in this paper. In addition, the researcher claims that in developing a curriculum, the planner needs to review the said curriculum from the perspectives of various professionals and hold some discussions with professionals in order to verify the validity of the content. 4.Assessment and Review of “Magic Advertising” Based on the professionals’ review and the result of curriculum implementation as well as learners’ achievement, the researcher concludes that “Magic Advertising Curriculum” proposed in this paper is feasible. Drawing on her findings, the researcher further puts forth some suggestions for art educators to be on visual culture and art education curriculum, the implementation of “Magic Advertising” as well as the application of advertising images to visual culture and art education curriculum. Key word: visual culture, art education, curriculum, advertising image視覺文化藝術教育課程廣告影像visual cultureart educationcurriculumadvertising image以視覺文化為核心之藝術教育課程研究-以廣告影像為例A Study on Curriculum Development, Visual Culture and Art Education: Using Advertising Images as an Example