黃鴻文Huang, Horng-Wen曾碩彥Tseng, Shou-Yen2022-06-089999-12-312022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/edb773aae34f39d4143ea9f189994ebc/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117522受到中華文化儒家及科舉制度的影響,「考試」的角色與功能的重要性,深植於教學現場師生與家長的觀念中。學校與考試雖有客觀的制度性措施,學生卻帶著對考試進行主觀性的詮釋,並發展出不同的意義與行動取向,即形成了「考試觀」。本研究先梳理與考試有關的教育社會學理論,再以符號互動論的觀點描述班級共同的考試觀及四位個案學生的考試觀。本研究目的為:一、描述選定班級集體學生發展出何種共同的考試觀。二、針對選定的個別學生,分析形塑其考試觀之社會文化脈絡。根據研究目的選定大臺北地區一所國中的一個國三班級為研究場域,資料蒐集的時間為國三上學期10月初至國三下學期6月底離校,以觀察、訪談及文件分析來探究國中學生的考試觀。研究發現第一部分將描述班級學生共同的考試觀。考量多重社會文化脈絡下,班級內學生個體觀念與行為仍有差異性,對考試的觀點與回應策略有所不同,第二部分則透過描述四位個案學生個別的考試觀,呈現個體與多重結構力量的拉扯與調適策略。透過研究資料的整理與分析獲致以下的結論:一、學生將學校考試分成「小考」、「大考」、「期末測驗」和「模擬考」等類別。二、面對考試學生發展出「背」、「理解」、「猜」和「作弊」的行動策略。三、學生的生活節奏與未來生涯被考試所管控。四、學生認為補習是準備考試的雙面刃。五、學生的考試觀在自我與多重結構力量的拉扯中調整與形塑。六、學生的考試觀是其主體性的展現。研究的啟示從考試之面向討論適性發展與階級再製、人生幸福的想望、個體能動與自在性及考試觀對教師的影響等問題,將作為教學現場與政策制定與調整之參考。Influenced by Confucianism in Chinese culture and the imperial examination system, the importance of the role and function of the"examination" is deeply rooted in the concepts of teachers, students and parents. Although schools and examinations have objective institutional measures, students interpret the examinations subjectively, and develop different meanings and action, this process forms the student`s perspective on examination. This research first organizes the theories of Sociology of education related to examinations, and describes the examination concept of the class and the concept of the four case students fromthe perspective of symbolic interactionism theory.Objectives of the study as follows:(1) To describe what kind of common test concept developed by. the collective students of the class.(2) For selected individual students, analyze the social and cultural. context that shapes their perspective of examinations.In this study, a third-grade class of a junior high school in Taipei area was selected as the research field. The data collection time was from the beginning of October of the first semester to the end of June of the second semester. The observation, interview and document analysis were used to explore the student`s perspective on examination.The first part of the research findings will describe the common perceptions of examination among the students in the class. Considering multiple social and cultural contexts, there are still differences in the individual concepts and behaviors of students in the class, and their opinions and response strategies to the examination are different. The second part describes the pulling and adjusting strategies of individuals and multiple structural forces through the individual examination perspectives of the four case students.In conclusion as follows: (1)Students divide school examinations into categories such as. "Small Test", "Big Test", "Final Test" and "Mock Test". (2) In the face of exams, students develop action strategies of. "memorizing", "understanding", "guessing" and "cheating". (3)Students' life rhythm and future career are controlled by. examinations. (4) Students think that tutoring is a double-edged sword in preparing. for exams. (5)The student`s perspective on examination is adjusted and shapedin the pull of self and multiple structural forces.(6)The student`s perspective on examination is the manifestation. of its subjectivity.The research enlightenment discusses issues such as adaptive development and class reproduction, the desire for happiness in life, individual initiative and freedom, and the influence on teachers from the perspective of examination, which will be used as a reference for teaching and policy formulation and adjustment.考試觀學生文化符號互動論Student`s perspective on examinationStudent cultureSymbolic interactionism theory國中學生考試觀之研究A Study of the Junior High Student`s Perspective on Examination學術論文