鄭啟清Chi-Ching Cheng2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16326少子化的浪潮襲擊而來,衍生出校園的空間閒置、教師超額和設備停用的問題,應深思新設特殊教育學校的必要性。可以考慮擴充現有特殊教育學校的資源以服務更多有特殊需求的學生。可行的做法是將部份公立學校轉型為特殊教育學校的一部分,因強制性的特殊教育與鬆綁式特許學校具有相同的教育目標,因此可以結合成為特殊教育特許學校。同樣能夠兼顧一般學生和特殊學生的教育權益,並突顯教育的核心價值,同時提供善用教育資源與活化教育空間的積極性思維。The reduction in Taiwan’s birth rates results in unoccupied space, surplus teachers and idle facilities on campuses throughout the nation. Perhaps policymakers should ponder if there exists a necessity for establishing stand-alone special education schools. We could think of expanding resources in existing special education schools in order to serve more students with special needs. The feasible approach is to having regular schools to offer special education. Charter schools and special education schools have the same goals and they can be combined into charter schools with special education available on campus. Charter schools with special education courses can take into account the interests of general students as well as students with special needs, the values of education, and better use of resource and active usage of existing space in schools.特殊教育特許學校特殊需求的學生special educationcharter schoolstudents with special needs特殊教育特許學校之芻議Combining Charter School and Special Education Function: A Proposal