郭靜姿Ching-Chich Kuo張玉佩Yu-Pei Chang2019-08-282005-7-12019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068909015%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91326本研究旨在編製情緒特質量表,並探討台灣北區高中數理資優生的情緒發展層次及情緒適應的情形。研究者以自編的「情緒特質量表」及「我的特質量表」、「基本人格量表」為研究工具;以123位高中數理資優生及132位普通學生為研究對象,比較數理資優生與普通學生在「情緒特質量表」、「我的特質量表」及「基本人格量表」的差異,以及三個量表之相關性;另外,亦比較在不同情緒發展層次時,「我的特質量表」及「基本人格量表」之表現是否有差異;並就以上之結果討論資優生整體情緒適應之情形。量表施測所得的結果以F考驗及Person積差相關來進行統計考驗。茲就本研究之主要研究結果說明如下: 一、 情緒特質量表由研究者自編,包含情緒功能與情緒認知兩個因素,共計26題,採用五等量表。其內部一致性介於.538~.712;重測信度介於.657~.769之間;專家效度介於.714~1.000。 二、 資優組在情緒特質量表之得分顯著高於普通組(p<.05)。 三、 資優組僅只有「智能」過度激動(intellectuall overexcitability)特質較普通組明顯(F=45.35, p<.001)。 四、 資優組在基本人格量表的「抑鬱」、「慮病」、「異常」、「迫害感」、「虛幻感」、「情緒困擾」及「社會適應」之得分均顯著低於普通組(p<.05)。 五、 基本人格量表分量表間、過度激動分量表間及情緒特質量表間之得分大部分達顯著正相關(p<.05)。 六、 過度激動特質與基本人格量表間,大部分皆達顯著之相關(p<.05);不過心理動作及智能過度激動與部分基本人格分量表達顯著之負相關。 七、 情緒特質量表與基本人格量表及情緒過度激動間皆達顯著負相關(p<.05),但與智能過度激動達顯著正相關(p<.05)。 八、 在不同情緒發展層次時,僅智能過度激動之得分差異達到顯著水準(F=8.71, p<.001)。 九、 在不同情緒發展層次時,與基本人格量表之得分差異均達到顯著水準(p<.05)。 十、 由上述之統整得知資優組之情緒發展層次及情緒適應的表現皆優於普通組,然而從一些個案的表現,可看到一些適應不佳的資優生個案。The main purposes of this research were to construct an emotional developmental levels scale (Emotional Traits Scale) and to explore emotional developmental levels and emotional adjustment of talented high school students with math-science ability in Northern Taiwan. 123 talented high school students with math-science ability and 132 regular students are selected as samples. The major instruments for this research are ‘Emotional Traits Scales’, ‘The Me Scale’, as well as ‘CBPI(Basic Personality Inventory in Chinese Version)’. The data gathered are processed by F test and Pearson correlation. The main findings of this research are stated as follows: 1. The coefficient of internal consistency of ‘Emotional Traits Scale’ (Cronbach α) is .549~.769; the coefficient of stability is .657~.769; and the expert validity is .714~1.000. 2. Talented and regular students have the most people in level II~III. 3. The emotional developmental levels of talented students are more significant than regular students (p<.05). 4. Talented students are only more significant in ‘Intellectual OE’ than regular students (p<.001). 5. Talented students are more significantly lower in CBPI’s subscales, such as ‘Depression’, ‘Hypochondriasis’, ‘Deviation’, ‘Persecutory Ideas’, ‘Thinking Disorder’, ‘Social Adjustment’ and ‘Emotional Disturbance’ than regular students (p<.05). 6. There are significant positive correlation (p<.05) between most of CBPI’s subscales and types. 7. There are significant positive correlation (p<.01) between five OEs subscales , except in ‘Emotional OE vs. Psychomotor OE’ and ‘Emotional OE vs. Intellectual OE.’ 8. Among five OEs and CBPI, most of them are significant correlation (p<.05). Intellectual OE is significant negative correlation with most of CBPI’s subscales. 9. There are significant negative correlation (p<.05) between Emotional Traits Scale, and CBPI. Specially Emotional Traits Scale have significant positive correlation (p<.05) with The Me Scale, but significant negative correlation (p<.05) with Emotional OE. 10. Among the different emotional developmental levels, only Intellectual OE has significant level (p<.001). 11. In different emotional levels, there is significant level (p<.001) in CBPI. 12. In conclusion, talented students’ emotional levels and emotional adjustment are better than regular students. But we can still find some not well-adapted talented cases in the samples.數理資優生過度激動情緒發展層次情緒適應math-science talentedoverexcitabilityemotional developmental levelsemotional adjustment台灣北區高中數理資優班學生情緒發展層次與情緒適應之研究The Emotional Developmental Levels and Adjustment of Math-Science Talented Students in Senior High Schools