黃源河Yuanher Robin Hwang2014-10-272014-10-272010-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/132162008年國中小學「數學教師培育跨國研究」結果顯示,在15 個參與國中,我國國中小現職教師對實習教師的指導成效分居二、三名,但實習教師認知大學所學與實習現場的契合性排名則是倒數二、三名。這樣的結果說明了中小學現職教師的實務知識對實習教師的幫助頗大,但大學所學理論與教學現場則有相當的落差,形成教育理論與實務間斷裂的現象。師資培育理論與實務的斷裂是長久以來未解決的議題,本文冒在探討理論與實務斷裂的原因,以及國際上解決理論與實務斷裂有哪些實際作法,可做為我國師資培育的參考。本文首先對理論知識與實務知識進行概念分析,其次探討兩種知識斷裂的原因,接著說明解決理論與實務斷裂的演進,而後介紹國際上解決兩者斷裂的現有模式,最後提出適合我國解決理論與實務斷裂的建議。According to “Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics 2008," among the 15 countries, Taiwan ranked top level for future math teachers on receiving great support from supervising teachers at elementary and junior-high schools; however, Taiwan ranked bottom level in the item of consistency between the theory they have learned at universities and the practice they have experienced at school sites. Faced with this long-standing issue, this study intends to investigate causes of the gaps between theory and practice as well as to explore possible solutions. It is expected that the results may provide insights into narrowing the gap of theory and practice of teacher education in Taiwan.師資培育實務省思教師為研究者理論與實務斷裂teacher educationreflective practiceteacher as researchertheory-practice divide熔合斷裂Fixing the Glitch: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Teacher Education