招靜琪2014-10-272014-10-272005-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11830英語自學中心,近年來在大專院校間紛紛成立,不但提供學生多元英語學習的機會,並有外給老師的參與,還利用網路提供豐富的學習資源與諮詢服務。然而各校英語自學措施的運作,似乎是各成一局,對於組織,成效,以及學生的學情況與反應,目前並無較有系統的了解,無法供其他有興趣成立英語自學單位的學校作參考。本研究以網路公告資訊開始,以參觀訪談八校119位同學的方式,分析比較五大類十項英語自學活動的特性,成效,優缺點。目的在了解台灣各大專院校整體英語自學活動的整體現況,並且就建構優質學習環境的條件,指出各類型自學模式的優缺點以反增強改造的方法,希望能夠為國內英語自學的未來發展,提供思考方向。Thlis study analyzes activity types provided by Taiwanese higher education to encourage self-regulated EFL learning. Encouraging autonomous and self-regulated language learning has become one of the most important missions for many language institutes in Taiwanese universities and colleges. However, there has not been systematic understanding and research on this issue. The goal of this study is to fill in this gap by conducting campus visits, interviews, and observations. The result shows that autonomous EFL learning activities in Taiwanese higher education can be put into five categories and ten different types. Discussion on strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions to strengthen each activity type is provided.英語自學自學中心活動設計Language learning autonomySelf-regulated language learningSelf-access language learningEFL尋找英語學習的新樂園Encouraging Self-Regulated EFL Learning in Taiwanese Higher Education: Activity Types and Analysis