潘裕豐Pan, Yu-Fong高瑋Kao, Wei2023-12-082022-06-242023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/77adcc55e7492521dfa5b1b1775df76d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119669高中資優學生若能保有良好的同儕關係,對個人有樂觀、正向的自我評價,且能瞭解及適切的應用其自身人格特質,便能提升自己的幸福快樂感受來因應社會外在的壓力,且能妥善地克服困難,以其順利的發展。因此,本研究目的在於—探究高中教育階段不同變項的資優生在同儕關係、幸福感及人格特質的現況與差異;其同儕關係對幸福感的預測力;及人格特質在同儕關係對幸福感之調節效果。研究樣本取自全臺灣北、中、南各地區,共900位高中資優生為研究對象,研究工具包含:「同儕關係量表」、「極短版中國人幸福感量表」及「五大人格特質量表」。研究結果顯示: 一、在同儕關係的部分,女性資優生的整體情形顯著高於男性;在整體幸福感的部分,男性資優生顯著高於女性;整體人格特質:神經質、友善性、謹慎性上女性皆顯著高於男性;不同年級在各量表上皆無顯著差異;語文資優類別之資優生在人格特質上,僅神經質高於數理資優班之學生;而北中南不同地區的差異情形,南區的整體同儕關係最佳,中區的整體幸福感情形最佳,不同區域分析為北區最為神經質、南區最為友善性與謹慎性。 二、同儕關係與幸福感呈顯著,存在著正的中度相關。人格特質與幸福感呈顯著,存在著正的低度相關。而人格特質與同儕關係呈顯著,存在著中度相關。 三、整體同儕關係及其友誼與社交焦慮兩構面皆能有效預測整體幸福感,其兩者皆對整體幸福感的預測擁有最佳的解釋力。 四、整體人格特質在同儕關係對幸福感之調節效果確實存在,其包含了外向性、神經質、開放性、謹慎性共四個人格特質皆具有顯著的解釋力,但唯獨友善性無顯著解釋力。 本研究並根據研究結果,提出在未來研究與教育實務方面上的具體建議。 關鍵詞:同儕關係、幸福感、人格特質、資優生If the gifted students in high school can enhance their well-being and know how to respond to the external pressure by possessing good peer relationships, having a positive evaluation of themselves, and properly showing their personality traits, they can more easily overcome difficulties and have a smooth development.  Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore: (1) differences between group of high school gifted students by sex, grade, territory and gifted class in peer relationships, well-being, and personality traits (2) the peer relationships is a positive determinant of well-being; (3) personality trait positively moderates the relationship between the peer relationships and well-being.  The survey research methodology is utilized to collect a validate sample of 900 respondents from different high school gifted students in the north, central, and southern regions of Taiwan. The research tools include the Peer Relationship Scale, the Short of the Chinese Well-being Scale, and the Personality Scale.  The results of this study were summarized as follows: I. Speaking of peer relationships, generally speaking, female gifted students are significantly better than male; speaking of well-being, male gifted students are significantly happier than women; speaking of personality traits: neuroticism, agreebleness, and conscientiousness, female are all significantly higher than male ; There are no significant differences between different grades students; There is only one personality trait – neuroticism that verbally gifted students are significantly higher than mathematic gifted student. the differences between regions: the peer relationships in the Southern District is the best, the well-being in the Central District is the best. The analysis of different regions is that the North District is the most neurotic and the South District is the most friendly and cautious.II. Peer relationship and well-beings have significantly positive , and moderate correlation. Personality traits and well-being have significantly positive low-level correlation. Personality traits and peer relationships have significantly positive moderate correlation.III. The overall peer relationship and its two aspects - friendship and social anxiety can effectively predict overall well-being, both of which have the best explanatory power for the prediction of overall well-being.IV. The personality trait positively moderates the relationship between the peer relationships and well-being. All four personality traits including extroversion, neuroticism, openness, and conscientiousness have significant explanatory power, but only agreebleness has no significant explanation power.  Based on the results of this study, make some specific suggestions for the future research and the education of teaching. Keywords: Peer Relationships, Well-being, Personality Trait, Gifted students同儕關係幸福感人格特質資優生Peer RelationshipsWell-beingPersonality TraitGifted students高中資優生同儕關係與幸福感之相關探究-兼探人格特質的調節效果A Study on the Peer Relationship and Well-being of Gifted Students in Senior High Schools' : The Moderating Effects of the Personality Traitetd