Jiun-Iung Lei2016-05-102016-05-102015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78828本文藉由自我民族誌來剖析我長久以來所繼承的殖民遺產。此自我民族誌講述了我身為一位英語為第二語言的學習者的故事。根據我的回憶及直接觀察,此自我民族誌描述一個細微的自我邊緣化過程,而其中權力結構彼此交互作用,並以多元的樣貌呈現。此外,我運用後現代主義者的理論,來檢視在此自我民族誌中的個人經驗。In this paper, I utilized an autoethnographic method to critically analyze the colonial traces upon me. I offered this autoethnographic account to tell a story about myself as an L2 English learner. Based on my memory and direct observation, this autoethnograpy aimed to delineate a subtle self-marginalizing process in which power structures play themselves out through multiple manifestations of interaction. In addition, post-modernists’ theories were drawn as lenses to examine the personal experiences in my autoethnograpy.自我民族誌自我邊緣化的過程後現代主義者an autoethnographic methoda self-marginalizing processpost-modernists一位英語為第二語言的學習者的自我民族誌:何處是隧道的盡頭?An Autoethnography of an L2 English Learner in Taiwan: Where Is the End of the Tunnel?